Goodbye BloggerWe have had many good times together.
we've gone through thick and thin, shared the insane, the sad, and the delightful moments.
but it is time for change for new things.
which is why im leaving you and going to Livejournal cos im cool like that:DD
but this blog will stay up for as long it needs to.
even though i don't think anyone read it anymore.
so, if anybody's looking for me, i'm right
See you on the other side:D
10:24 PM.
It's all Bullshit,you know it is, so Shut say i don't have to worry about stuff like this. we're both the same, look at you, look at her, we don't have that and we're happy. and i'll smile and nod, say it makes sense, when actually i know we're Not the same, and you Do have that or at least you're about to get it.and look at you now. you've got it and it feels great doesn't it? that's why you'll never understand how i feel. You'll never understand what it's like to want something so bad, and all you can do is dream of when your time will come, not knowing when it will come, and being terrified, the longer you wait, that it's Never gonna come. you'll never understand the fear, or the loneliness. The irrational pain that's self-inflicted, the same excuse used over and over to try and protect yourself, but really, it never works.
How is it that people who have never really shown any sign of want or care for something get it so easily? And those who would die for it can barely even touch it with their fingertips?
Why must life work so unfairly?
Jealousy, it's possibly the worst emotion to have, ever.
I don't know why this suddenly came on.
or why it came on only now.
12:20 AM.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Apprehensive Anticipatorywent to the Singapore Poly openhouse with Jonathan today.
i like that place, i would consider it, though it's really FAR.
headed to OtakuHouse at Iluma after that, officially my new Happy Place.
met up with Terence and Shih Eng there.
Bought Itachi's headband and his Akatsuki ring(actually ah jon bought for me, thank you so much:D) as well as Ed's State Alchemist pocketwatch:D
am very happy, though now i totally regret not buying Tsunade's necklace. shall buy next time.
if only cosplay costumes weren't so expensive.
Results out on Monday.
4 more days.
tomorrow i have to go to work at dad's office without him there cos parents are going to KL, but that's fine, cos i pretty much just commmunicate with only one other person there.
As Results Day approaches, i realise a few things.
just that im so afraid of my results, i don't think that this day's importance has fully sunk in yet, but i can't wait to get it over and done with, then plunge into the New Year with all the gusto i can muster.
2010 looks to be a promising and eventful year. at least that's what im hoping for.
im happy with how i've grown and changed over the past years but still, i feel like it's not enough, and i have the potential for So Much More.
I can't just wait for stuff to happen, i have to
make them happen.
im sick of feeling like im left in a place that's neither here nor there.
I want something new, something interesting, something that i can truly say i love with all my heart.
I don't want to feel empty anymore.
11:43 PM.
Come Hurry Up Faster"The date of release of the 2009 GCE O-Level Examination results has tentatively been scheduled to fall within the period between 11 January and 13 January 2010. "i am so scared right now.
but in a way i can't wait for it because it means we'll know approximately where we're headed and then school will start and we'll get to meet new people and do new stuff and that will be AWESOME.
i am Sick of being stuck at home and broke.
currently working at dad's office right now, but honestly, i would die for a job elsewhere that does not involve office work cos it's Boring As Hell.
so if anybody has something to recommend, i would very much appreciate it.
i need a new profile picture. considering switching to Livejournal.
and i love Friends.
"You and my sister sittin' in a tree!" - Joey Tribbianni
3:10 PM.
Hellooooo 2010Spent new year's eve with Vanessa.
no Cheryl(cos she's in Aussie) and Marcus(abandoned usD:) so it was just us 2.
Before the Countdown:Pigging out on chocolate, dying my hair, showering in the dark and watching a little OC like a silent movie cos of electricity tripping.
Followed the countdown on tv, scrambling to send new year's messages in time, then running ouy to scream "HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2010 IS OUR BITCH!!"
also realised that alcohol generally makes her face and ears hot/red pretty easily.
New Year's Resolutions:1.Manage money well so i don't go broke.
2.Work hard in whatever new school i go to.
3.And have fun doing it.
4.Do new stuff and go to new places.
5.Find that missing thing i've been searching for.
Happy 2010 everyone.
5:55 PM.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
gotten Mum's present.
no idea wtf to get for sisters.
searching for 2012 dvd or books about bowling for Dad.
is 2012 dvd even out yet??
The Killers in January.
Vanessa's and my crazy plan to go.
discussed with parents, potential Christmas present.
like OMG.
going, no question.
just need to dig up the moolah.
Britanny Murphy kena cardiac arrest.
what the hell so sudden.
and some more.
why all the celebrities dying from cardiac arrest??
wtf right??
im gonna be a cashier at dunman high tomorrow.
so exciting.
and i need to be there at 7.30am.
should totally be sleeping now.
going after i find christmas songs for my mum.
lovelike you, but i want you to go away.
2010 come come.
10:11 PM.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
WTF. i don't understand

(i have more pics but damned blogger won't let me upload them)
meant to go job hunting(AGAIN) today but ended up going to vivo to watch Case 39.
which was pretty good by the way.
Jodelle Ferland scares the hell out of me.
pray that i get the damned job soon:\
12:34 AM.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
"Today i got a nosebleed in class. My guy friend notcied and said "quit looking at me like you want me to take my shirt off for you." I've never laughed so hard. MLIT."such is the popularity of twilight that there's a
My Life Is Twilight as well.
New Moon(with meiyen again) was...much better than Twilight production-wise.
i think they overdid it on the lipstick with Edward but there was definite improvement on the makeup.
loved the action.
and there's nothing stopping me watching it again. (cept for lack of $$$ but i should have a job by then:\)
the ending was... sudden.
everyone in the cinema had about the same reaction. lol.
can't wait for shimin to get back from malaysia so the group can watch the movie together and analyse it like the fangirls that we are.
i wanna marry Taylor Lautner. Pleeeeaaase?:DD
9:50 PM.