OMGG.guess who came to coral secondary today.
DANIEL ONG!!at recess time there was this DJ there,playing songs in the canteen and talking bout this heritage fest thingy,and there were brochures on the table about it..and then(OMGG!!people scream)DANIEL ONG APPEARS.i was like standing at the front near the DJ and then when he appeared i was like OMG.SHOCKKED.first time seeing him in person then so close somemore.lols!then he shook hands with me!!he was saying hi to everyone then he turned around and said hello to me then shook my hand!lols im so excited about it!xD then he was talking bout the heritage fest thingy and like What Makes You,You?and asked a few people.then when recess finished i wanted to get his autograph but the stupid teachers chased us away.and then i found out catherine got his autograph,then i kept scolding her:WHY u never pull me back??WHY u never get 2 autographs 1 can give me!!LOLS.complain complain complain.SO SAD LA!!then at assembly we had youth day celebrations!the teachers performed for us,so funny.then after skool we saw ms tan tie her hair into 2 ponytails look so cute!
ok im gonna go play long never play liao.
11:23 PM.
I AM BACKK!!skool started on monday and we got new timetable..and lee lao shi became our stars teacher with mrs ng!!(i noe my news very lag,but then come back from skool very tired lah then still got homework to do,where got energy to blog?)and our new chinese teacher is yao lao shi aka ms jow!she okok had to stay back for 2 periods of mother tongue and afterwards me,yinghui,yanting and weiqi stayed back a while more and chat with her!lols..andand..1st geography lesson today:teacher MRS WONG.shes like serious serious like that,then she talk so much very boring to listen and i kept falling asleep.she gave us 2 projects,1 individual,1 group members:yanting shih eng weiqi yinghui!and in our new timetable also have MUSIC!our teacher is mr fabian lim!today first lesson go to music room,we had to take off shoes.i was like,alamak my socks have holes!!lols..
ok im gonna sleep now..supertired.
12:33 AM.
i donno what's wrong with me.4 more days to skool and i still have not finished my homework.i donno why but i just have no idea how to start.URGH.and i missed Singapore Idol yesterday DAMMIT.i missed ALL of my beloved shows!!T.Tbecause i went out with my family for my parents' anniversary dinner.but then at least singapore idol will have a repeat telecast on saturday.and i am now currently hooked on Teddy Geiger.i have 'fallen in love' with his eyes..hahaz lol.and i wanted to put his song on but i could only find it on iwebmusic and the song quality im gonna put another im gonna maple for a awhile then
attempt to finish my homework.haiizz...
5:43 PM.
LALALAS been some time since i last updated.i STILL have nothing to blog about tho.haas..some random thoughts la.i STILL haven't done my homework wahahas.*shakes head.and then i've started playing maple again.hmms.and i feel like watching ScaryMovie 4.i watched ScaryMovie 3 alotalotlalotalot
ALOT of times when i was in perth last year.SODAMN FUNNY sia.the first time i watched was kinda scary but the more i watched the funnier it now i feel like watching ScaryMovie 4.its like the first time i wanna watch a horror movie in a cinema.LOLS.and i MIGHT be going to watch Garfield2 next week.MIGHT be.and then tomorrow have bbq!yay!!might blog bout it im gonna play either maple or 02jam.byee...
11:52 PM.
yesterday went for the elias park concert at elias cc!those songs that they played were really chao nice to hear!!and the erhu and yangqin teachers who also teach in coral cg did a solo very nice to listen to!then this girl also did a guzheng solo!then the whole concert is very enjoyable la!and then at the end they also played HUA GU DIAO!very nice!!lols whole thing very nice.(:
4:49 PM.
yesterday had cip..went to tampines for it.they gave us donation cans and stickers then we had to go around to collect i truly understand the suffering of those students ive seen doing tired!!at first me,weiqi,yinghui and cherylin(not sure how to spell but her name sounds like this)went to stand near the mrt station.then after a while elyse came.then all 5 of us went to yinghui's house collecting donations along the way.then at yinghui's house her mother donated money for us:)then i wanted to find my cousin(fiona)to donate also coz she stay in tampines as me weiqi and cherylin went and got separated frm yh and elyse.then arh i blur blur went to the wrong block called fiona get the right block then we finally reached her house and she donated $1 to me:)went to buy bubble tea after that so thirsty.after that we were hanging around near century and the bus interchange there.saw eugene(cousin,fiona's bro)and he donated too.when we were walking around getting donations we squeezed past this group of people in a corridor the 1 guy said 'they're everywhere sia.'LOLS,yesh we're everywhere!!then then at the bus interchange there was this bus driver he said 'i tried to escape but cannot!'hahas..we were supposed to finish at 1 de,but then we saw manpang he said we can go return the cans already so we go return legs felt so
suan!!tired ahhh...then we went to eat at KFC.then later i met meiyen to go and watch X-men:The Last Stand.not bad bah.then while we were watching i accidently dropped the popcorn!!picked up the box left a little bit only!!aiya so i just ate the remaining popcorn..took mrt to ws afterwards then when we were waiting for the bus couldnt stop laughing for no particular reason lols.
tomorrow have passing out ceremony..lalalas...then sunday still have concert to go to.hopefully its fun..
3:22 PM.
today was a sosoOHSO FUN day!!went to escape!!MY FIRST TIME IN DONNO HOW MANY YEARS LIAO!!second time only eh!!went with stephanie(primary skool de)xingxuan and liwei.we -xingxuan sat on rainbow 10 times!!so fun!!we also sat on the viking ship alot of times,but i forgot how many.(less than ranbow bah)maybe im strange or other people are strange,coz other people sit on the viking scream like shit,i sit there
SLEEP dao hen SHUANG.then later on in the afternoon it had to RAIN.and it rained on and off again,hai wo must cancel my meeting with candaceT.T then while it was raining we played the carnival games and the other 3 went to the haunted dont dare xD.i won a dolphin and a small horse from the games look so cute.when it rained agaim we went out and walked around downtown then we saw cindy was also there.went to eat and we saw yuyang,that guy from the campus superstar.after that we went back then the rain FINALLY stopped.i sat on the wet and wild with COMPLETELY soaked!!!like i showered with my clothes on(:last time i went(which was a REALLY long time ago)i didnt get THAT wet.lols.went home at bout FUNNEST day ever.then tomorrow im gonna watch x-men3 with meiyen.nitez...
12:03 AM.
i felt like complaining just now but i realised i dont feel pissed off about my poor fingers sway,today becoz the audi was occupied by another party we had sectional practice the WHOLE DAY.damn.then teacher teach new song.had to pluck the strings,kana i got 1 big blister i used my middle finger to pluck,and it also raised up a small blister.KNS.then later the big 1 popped.urrghhh....aiya,small thing also want to complain.dotz right?lols.
i changed the 'roses are red,violets are blue' poem in my bored state.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am very sian
there's nothing to do
Lame right?but then so sian might as well just write crap.
ok i'll stop crapping now,there's nothing to crap about anyway.complain about stuff will also waste my time and energy.-_-''
10:52 PM.
woohoo,finally a reason to update!!got tagged by alyssa to do this quiz..Instructions:[1] Make at least 8 points of your ideal lover.[2] HAVE to mention gender.[3] Tag 8 other friends to do it.[4] If you're tagged again,there is no need to do this again.[5] HAVE FUN !Gender of ideal lover: MALE. DUH!!unless im a HOMO..8 points of my ideal lover:1) he has to love me. 2) be there for me when i need him.3) be fun,outgoing and adventurous.4) have a sense of humour5) same height or taller than me(= (1-2cm shorter oso can xD)6) Trusting7) committed8) honest8 others who have to do this:1)CANDACE2)CINDY3)JANICE4)STEPHANIE5)CHIAYIN6)CHERYL7)FABEHA8)FARIS**oops realised faris tagged me too.LOLS.nvm bah..
4:07 PM.