just updated the 1/5 blog.if ure a one-fiver go check for homework today.if ure not then dont bother bah its just homework plus abit of crap. but then nevermind go see anyway u can admire the blog its really nice by our very own faris and steph(:haas...then i added in the song yeahs!lolz..then click on the links and check out our one-fivers' blogs.ok so go on.scroll down to my links section and click 1/5.gogo.(makes hand gestures to make u go)
11:53 PM.
continued from last post donno why it disappeared.-.-''
..lastly had a MR AND MISS RACIAL HARMONY contest.after that went to the canteen and chionged the science report.i chionged my lunch then weiqi went to get miss tan to help us change it.after that chionged to the lab to pass up to ms ng.then at 2oclock had CG.I WANNA CHANGE INSTRUMENT!!xD WEEKEND IS HERE IM SO HAPPY=D=D=D
11:27 PM.
how many days have i not blogged arh?aiya u go count yourself.shall blog bout yesterday and today!
yesterdayy i went to east coast park after skool after maths remedial with candace,priscilla and candace's fren mary accompanied us!!bus ride took so long man!!when we reached there got so many people playing games.i think they're candace's church frenz(:havent been there very long priscilla have to go liao..then i played one more game;then went back lers!!on the way back took photo with candace!!

my eyes look small..hemhem..xD
the journey was damndamn freakin long sia.it was packed like sardines.at first i was standing in front than more and more people come in make it more packed so i sat on that metal block thingy in front and made more space(:then i almost fell asleep.AGAIN-.-reached tampines interchange de shi hou already very late le.7+!!gasp!!in the end i reached home at 8!!so late!!wear my skool uni somemore!!(so stink xD)then i slept like 10 or 11+ liddat.alot earlier than the usual time i sleep lehs.then forgot to chiong homework.AHH!!today chiong in skool,managed to pass up my literature but not chinese.i si liao.
then i siaosiao 1.woke up at 3+ in the morning to pack my bag.then i realised i havent finished science project report.decided to heck care first.woke again at 6+ and tried to print.printer ran out of ink.SHITS.so i quickly went to the toilet first then saved it in a thumbdrive.went to skool.in class right,bfore teacher came in,some idiot im not sure who,knocked over my filter.WAHLAOO!!spilled half the contents.so we swept up the mess into a dustpan and i picked out the pebbles from the charcoal then arranged it back together.lucky it wasnt destroyed.recess time me and weiqi asked miss tan to help us print the report out.and then blahblahblah...assembly!!firstly wanning and sara(im not sure whether her name is spelled like that)gave a presentation bout the racial harmony workshop during the june hols.i didnt go hehheh!!then we had an wushu performance!!the performers are:joey,huiwen and 2 guys.1 guy is called arthur i think.huiwen have solo performance!i thought she was gonna use her sword but she didnt.so brave la she(:then next was an indian dance,and 2 malaydances.no offence but i thought the first 1 was kinda boring?hehes NOOFFENCE!!>.WEEKEND IS HERE IM SO HAPPY!!=D=D=D
10:33 PM.
TADAAH~!changed back to this skin again!!much nicer la..today mum bought me new shorts!!woohoo!!
and its still the same old typical day..
9:53 PM.
ok people i have an important mission for u.look at this skin then tag me with your honest opinion on whether i should keep using it.reason being coz i edited the original skin(the design is completely different;)so people,help me out here!
candace said this 1 can la.thank you thank you thank you!so shud i use the pro designers skin or can i stick to my amatuerish(amateurish?)edition?thanks loads.=D
12:07 AM.
HELLO~!i havent been updating in a long time because of 1)no time 2)There is absolutely nothing to talk about.but then i put a new skin and edited it a little...this skin is NICE.
im still waiting for something exciting to happen to me.
o yeah.i can borrow books again.i finally paid off my long overdue fine.xD
ok,im off.
12:54 AM.