im so happy.
watched DEATH NOTE with janice today.
i LOVE the show.
<3333 size="1">[edit]urms if ure smart u will know that the today im talking about is saturday.feeling bored at the moment thats why im writing this,lols.okies byees.xDi am so boh liao=D[end edit]
12:05 AM.
holidays are here!!
yesterday was ok bah.
had the inter-class games.the girls played netball.
dunno who won though.
then after that recess.
me,yanting and weiqi went up to the hall early.
was just sitting there.then saw these 2 guys on the stage.thought that they were just testing the microphone.
then one of them started beatboxing.
NICEE.he could make like 3 sounds all at the same time.NICEE.
he continued beatboxing la,then more and more people were coming in le.after awhile then he stopped.
after everyone settled down we had a drug talk.the guy told us about all the consequences of drugs and all that la.then he also talked about the punishments.then he showed us pics of people who have been caned.
my goodness i though prison caning was painful but not THAT painful.the guy's butt is bleeding like what.so many scars.and that was only 7-8 strokes only leh.the guy giving the talk showed us a newspaper report saying that this guy was sentenced to 24 strokes at ONE GO.24 leh!!imagine what it will look like??then if they want to go do their business...tsktsktsk.i think nobody will ever think of breaking the law again.
interesting talk.(:
then after that 2 ccas danced.was supposed to have dance competition but then the other ccas had no time to prepare.so only cg and netball danced.XI SHUA SHUA and PON DE REPLAY.(:
then i found out that the guy who was beatboxing earlier is actually an ex-student.came to perform for us.he even performed 2 songs,Drop it like its hot and Lean Back.PRO.(:his name is yichun i think.
thenthenthen after that there was a tribute to MR TAN JUAY HOW.he's retiring!!lols he's a nice teacher.
end of program.we went down to find miss tan and she told us about her wedding.TAN AND TEO.haas.im going wee(:
and miss lam gave each of us a note.we were talking to her then she suddenly broke into tears.we talked to her for awhile then took a pic with her,then we had to go already.
will miss her(:
will be watching death note with janice and probably kay yee tomorrow.pray hard hard.(:
2:44 PM.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
tagged by ALY(:
1. Are you single, taken or crushing?
- single, no longer crushing
2. Are you happy with your life now?
- i have my complaints(:
3. When you meet the right person,do you fall in love with him fast?
- wouldnt know until i meet him.
4. Have you ever had your heart broken?
- crushed,but not broken
5. Do you believe in some circumstanceswhere cheating love is acceptable?
- neverrrrrrrrr.
6. Would you take someone back if he cheats on you?
- never.
7. Have you ever talk about marriage with another before?
- i dont think that far.
8. Do you want children?
- sure
9. How many?
- 3 max(:
10. Would you consider adoption?
- if i really really want kid.
11. If someone likes you right now,what do you think is the best way to let you know his feelings?
- tell me straight.i might freak out,but just tell me.
12. Do you enjoy getting into a relationship?
- why not?yes i guess.haas.
13. Do you believe in love at the first sight?
- nope.
14. Are you romantic?
- sometimes.
15. Do you believe you can change someone?
- wont hurt to try
16. Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
- i doubt it.
17. Do you have feelings for someone right now?
- not anymore.
18. Have you ever wished that you could havehad someone but you messed it up?
- hm.nahh.
19. Have you ever broke a heart?
- i wouldnt know.dont think so tho.
20. If one day your best friend falls in love with the guy you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
- may the best girl win.
21. Are you missing someone right now?
- umm.no.
Now you have to ask 5 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs.Write down their names in the list below.Tag them in their blog to let them know.
anybody who's interested.im too lazy at the moment(:
today was an ok day la.had the fun fit fab thingy.alyssa picked up this pooh bear from our stall which is like super ugly.had wrinkles and all.probably pooh's grandad.lols.
i went siao for a minute.i bought $5 worth of coupons.!!!asked joey whether can refund she said cannot.sad.but i used up all la.but i wasted one.playing this puzzle game then i dropped a 50c one into the longkong.swaysway luh.
miss lam took pics.
click class photos are here!!yay im so happy i waited 100 years for them.lols.
ii wwaannaa wwaattcchh ddeeaatthh nnoottee.
lols i gone siao le.(:
10:33 PM.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
today i woke up at 1+ like that.
then went with mum and dad to tm.
had lunch.
went to samuel and kevin and mum bought me new pants and a sweatshirt.
we're going to Hokkaido!!the weather there now is very cold so i need more long pants.
after that came home.
listened to radio.got a contest going on.i sent 4 friggin smses with the CORRECT answer and the DJs apparently never received it.damnns.4 friggin smses=$1.20.damndamndamn,of course didnt win la.
thats about my day.
i think im getting desperate.i wanna see DEATH NOTE.
anyone interested in coming with me??
i am suffering from movie-wihdrawal.
11:23 PM.
today there was some talks and stuff but then i dont give a damn about them la.
what i was more interested in was the DANCE perrformance.
there was this group called Studio Wu la.they talked about the history of dance and did some demonstrations.PRO LA.
my goodness i want to be able to dance like them seriously.
dance was my first choice as a cca u know!!
but the teacher never let me in.FREAKIN SAD.
i so envy the people iin dance.
then they asked people to go up on stage and just dance.they were gonna give away free passes for any dance class leh!!i was like half want to go up,but half paiseh.then too late.cannot le.
i cry la.
gonna ask my mum whether i can join the dance classes.
if i never get a chance to dance again i will really regret it.
now im off to watch princess hours.byee.
12:01 AM.
im so sad.
i missed my princess hours on friday.waah.
why?cos my mother took me for a....
took about 2 hours.
after cg i rushed home and changed,then mum took me to elias mall.
the place where i had my facial is called Aesthetics.
we got a couple room,so there were 2 beds.had to put on this strapless top thingy.
at first i found it a little disturbing.with the light shining on my face and 2 people looking at my face and talking i felt like i was at the dentist.seriously.somemore the woman gave me a mirror and showed me how i should wash my face;like the dentist giving me a mirror to look at my teeth.**shudder**
after that wasnt so bad.and then she squeezed my blackheads for me.
i tell u,if u want to test how high your pain threshold is go for a facial and ask them to squeeze your blackheads for u.HURTS LIKE HELL.but i didnt scream in case ure wondering.
they give nice massages though.
i fell asleep.and according to my mum i SNORED.and damn loud too.
my gawd so embarrassing.=x
and now because of the squeezing,my face has alot of red dots.gaspp.the woman said they will disappear in a few days.they better .
today saw miss ng singing at church again.she really has a nice voice.mum said i should go ask her if i can join the church choir.lols maybe later i will ask.
i wanna watch death note.anybody want to watch with me?=D
ok nothing le.byee.
3:58 PM.
bah.nobody visits this blog de.and im lazy to upload pics.so the answer(see previous post) will be revealed some other day.
not all though.
ok firstly.CHINESE.dunno the whole thing yet..just 2 papers.listening and comprehension.
for listening i got 16/20 i think.should be la.for compre i got 44!/75.now waiting for compo.
next,the one that scared me the most:MATHS!!!
i am so happy la.i PASSED!!
WOO! so happyy.for paper 1 i got 32 and for paper 2 i got 28.5.add together should be 60.5 right?wait.there was 1 question the answer was 45%.but then in the end miss tan said the answer was actually 75%.so i got it wrong.MINUS 2 MARKS!!waaahhh.but nevermind,58.5 also passed de.as long as i can pass maths im happy.
for science i got 58 if im not wrong.
geography i got 70.hanisah crazy she got 96.my goodness imagine how hard she studied.she got the highest in the whole level leh!!and mrs wong said that was the highest marks she's seen in all her years.hanisah u pro.
and miss lam gave us our situational and letter writing as well as oral marks + CA.
Oral:19D: (sighs..)
im waiting for the overall.she said i did quite well for exams.:Di sure hope so.
left art,literature...
i cant wait to see my art again.i donno why la i really liked my art even though its not exactly SO NICE to look at la.haas.
11:32 PM.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
WOO!!new princess hours skin!!LOVE the show=D
shall blog bout FRIDAYY.
went out to tm and century with meiyen!met her at the bustop too mrt to tampines.i wanted to take photos so i brought my cam(:

on the mrt haas.
went to eat HOTDOGS.my goodness she eats damn fast man.i havent even finished my hotdog she already ate that and mashed potato and drunk a whole cup of iced milo.lols.
went to window shop next.then we went to precious thots.she bought me a belated b-day card.thank u so much la.then something very sad happened.her $$ sprouted wings and flew away and she couldnt get back.haiizz.
next we went to take neoprints.we chose the wrong selection la so we had 2 photosone person take one.here

stupid thing was,the laminating paper was too small,so the people had to crop off some parts of the photos.the word on top of her head is supposed to be WONG.and RAZY is actually supposed to be CRAZY.
after that we went to the arcade an played percussion master.it was FUN.
then we went to metro and i put some eyeshadow on her.she tried to put some on me but i think the salesperson was staring at us so we quickly put it back and went up one level.and came down again.then there wasnt much left to do so we left.
on the bus meiyen discovered THIS:
try and guess what it is before u scroll down.
ok something is wrong with blogger i cant upload my pics.maybe i'll blog tomorrow.try and guess then tag me ok?
shall continue the post then.gtg.
11:33 PM.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
exams are finally OVERR.
today was art.
did question3.
i love to paint la.haas.
o yeah!found out from miss tan that i DIDNT fail my maths paper 1!!
and ure thinking,so what,paper
1 only!!i noe la,but then like that to me got a LITTLE bit of hope passing maths right?gotta be optimistic in life!lols.
after school went back to park view with liwei and sook yee.sook yee siao la,said she wanted to go back WALK WALK.
we went on a SELF-TOUR around the school.lols.talked crap and laughed a lot.
after that went home.
eat lunch.shower.then i watched KUNG FU HUSTLE,cos my sis was using the com.lols.
and here i am.listening to simple plan(:
yayy no school for 2 days.lazy pig amanda can Zzzz to her hearts content.xD
might be going out with mei yen on friday.cant wait to see her again(:
3:33 PM.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i think i'll pass lit.
:sighs.we'll wait and see.
you're asking me to go out with HER??noo wayy,unless im DESPERATE.
yay i just went to alyssa's blog.im on her love list.WOO!iLOVE my friends:DD
art tomorrow.will be doing question 3.sure got a lot of people do question 3.cos its like the easiest one haas.
im just passing time until 9.oo.think i'll do the quiz on aly's blog(:
Would you want to be :
gorgeous or beautiful ?hmm.both work for me,but i think i'll go for gorgeous(:
tanned & gorgeous or fair & demure ?TANNED&GORGEOUS!i love tanned<3
slim bodied,fat legs or slim legged, fat body ?wont slim legs with a fat body make u look a little out of proportion?slim bodied with fat legs.easier to hide those fats.
7 friends you love : ( in no particular order)
oops gtg.9.00 ler.
8:50 PM.
i love cookies(:
DnT sure fail la.
science?i dunno.
maths and lit tomorrow.ahhh.
at least calculators will be allowed.
2 more days....
ok im gonna study now.
5:26 PM.
newly added.
lols why am i typing like that?
and why does my personal msg say MUGGINGG
when that is the exact opposite of what im doing??
im just gonna finish this post then go mug for REAL.
not much to say anyways.
today,after guitar class,went to buy 2 cookies.on the way,i passed by this cart called PINK-Q.
as u can see,they sell mostly PINK stuff.
im not a big fan of pink(as in the colour,not the singer)but some of the stuff they're selling are NICE.
got bracelets,hp accessories,bags,etc.
i saw this really nice bag and i soSO want it.wish i had a pic to show u.
and there is this mirror cum hair brush.its like a compact kind of mirror,and on the side where theres no mirror,its like a circular push-up thingy which u push up and all the hair brush bristles will stick up and acts like a hair brush.when ure done,just close it.
so gals,go take a look.guys,unless ure gay,i doubt u will find anything of interest to you there.xD
location:tampines mall,lvl2(if i remember right)
ok im done.im gonna surf through some blogs then science,here i come!!
5:57 PM.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
i studied abit of DnT today(:
i just put a song on my songlist.
its from the inuyasha soundtrack.
if u like japanese songs,go listen to it.
if u dont,listen to it anyway.CHAO NICE.
by the way,if u dunno what's inuyasha,its a REALLY nice-to-watch japanese anime.
im gonna watch abit now,then go study some more.
5:38 PM.
today had maths paper 1 and chinese.
surprisingly,maths wasnt as hard as i thought it would be.
of course i left some blanks la,u think i studied alot?when i was supposed to be studying last night i was watching inuyasha on youtube.
damnn.i have to stop getting tempted by other stuff.
soo many words i didnt know how to read.like what the hell is this??
wrote some crap for the last question.couldnt read a certain word,so i couldnt understand the damn question.my answer is without a doubt,totally and completely WRONGG.
shitty hell.
monday's gonna be science and DnT.
im going to make sure that i mug like hell on sat and sunday.
today i'll give in to my temptations and do somthing else,then regret it later.
im such a lazyy pigg.hehe.
5:11 PM.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
FINALLY i have renovated my blog!!
looks nicer yeah?
i took weeks to even get started finding a new skin.
amanda u LAZY PIG.
i will update my songlist some other time.LAZYY mahh.:D
now im off to get some studying done.
9:52 PM.