Monday, December 25, 2006
wee new skin.
omg.its 3.08am now on a monday CHRISTMAS morning(:
and my parents are STILL downstairs chatting with some guests.
christmas party today.(or yesterday.)
cheryl and vanessa came over early to bake cookies.was like a disaster pics then.cookies ended up all broken up but was edible.(:
showered around 6+.
people started coming around 7+.
one pic.

me,cheryl,and vaness.
the rest another time.gotta sleep,still have church later.
3:08 AM.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
new skin!!
this skin was actually contributed by FARIS!
but i edited parts of it,like the background(:
i dont know how to make skins,but i know abit of basic editing.
this is the result of my trial and error.
anybody care to teach me how to make?
anyways,to faris,good luck making more skins!
11:25 PM.
Friday, December 15, 2006
tagged by faris.
State your 10 Favourite Songs(:
1.Over My Head-The Fray
3.Beautiful Love-The Afters
4.Too Little Too Late-Jojo
5.Tokoyo Drift-Teriyaki Boys
6.But Its Better If You Do,
7.I Write Sins Not Tragedies-Panic At The Disco
8.My Love-Justin Timberlake
9.Breaking Free-Zach Efron and Vanessa Hudgeons
10.Jimmy Eat World-Hear You Me
soo many more...
State 10 things you like to do(:
5.Listen to songs.
6.Practice on my guitar.
7.Watch japanese anime.
9.Watch movies.
10.Take neoprints.
.State 10 things you believe in(:
1.Be yourself.
2.Stick to what you believe in.
i cant think of anymore.
State 10 besties{in no order} ^^
Mei yen wongahsohh.
Wei qi
Yan ting
Shih Eng
and moremoremore!!!
State 10 things you are willing to die for.
whatever thats REALLY important to me.
State 10 things you wish for.
prettaye shoes
prettaye clothes
prettaye bags
ALL the songs i LOVE.
ALL the movies i LOVE
ALL the anime i can watch.
ALL the good books i can read.
ALL the nice games i can play.
To be able to PIERCE my ears.
A pet DOG to LOVE.
State 10 people you want to do this((:.
mei yen
anybody else who wants to do this.
and once again.
12:09 AM.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
temporary skin until i find one im completely satisfied with.(:
the moment i have been waiting for..
i cut my hair today!!i am so in love with it now.

before...(my hair condition sucked)

went to my aunt's salon to cut,but i cant remember the name.i LOVE my hair,now its short its hassle free!wee!!hehes..
6:41 PM.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
bored,so i decided to post.
went to bugis "shopping" with sisters on monday.i woke up at bout 2+?went out with melissa around 3+ like that.we went browsing around first.saw ALOT of my favourite manga at kinokuya bookshop.i want them so much!!(hinthint=x)haha.
went to metro(?).met valerie.then continued to walkwalkwalkwalkwalk.i think we walked the whole length of bugis village.legs soo tiredd.
ate at mos burger for dinner.reached home just in time for 9pm show.(:
yesterday morning had combined practice.then afternoon sectional.ONCE AGAIN,i was the only bass person.i want to change instrument!!!! bass teacher also didnt noe wat to do with me.i can already play Dong properly,and no problems with the new song i just practised Dong pg4 then he let me i sat down,put my head on the table,and ended up sleeping from 3 until 3.30.then i SLACKED all the way until practise ended.all i could do was walk from the auditorium until the classroom to and fro.for almost 2 bloody already practised the songs until SIAN already.and my teacher was in the audi lehh.i would rather we have combined the whole day.
after cg it was raining.ran to the voiddecks then chionged to the nearby bustop.rain wasnt very heavy at first so we tried to walk.then it got heavy again.then lehua and sherylyn came with a umbrella so we shared with her.after we crossed the traffic light we decided to chiong and her umbrella blew inside out more than twice!lols.
im going to cutcutcut my hair!yayy!but i dont noe exactly when.hopefully my dad can bring me tomorrow.
i wanna go shopping again.might be going to vivo city with wongahsoh next week.i pray hardhard.
8:48 PM.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
i just tried a failed attempt to make a blogskin.i know
VERY little knowledge about coding la,i only know a little bit so i was doing a lot of trial and error.took another blogskin code and did some editing.the end result was basically pretty lousy.but i liked the pic i used to try and experiment.

nice right??dont care about the words and the hearts i added those in.this picture i took from photographer Geoff Ang's profile.if u want the website just ask me for it.
somebody,anybody,please PLEASE pretty please teach me how to make blogskins??ahh!!
im going crazyyy.
12:08 AM.
Monday, December 04, 2006
why are holidays so boringg????
these days if im not on the computer there is absolutely nothing to do.ahhhh...
haiya.CG i going to be all alone again?
all of a sudden i have an urge to go idea why.
hmm.more japan photos anyone?

in the mountains?i cant remember exactly what that place was tossing a snowball.
for the fun of it i kept collecting more snow to make into a snowball.i ended up with..
ahh!i blinked.lols the snow was really cold so i had to use my glove to hold ended up completely was interesting to see the thing melt.resembled candy floss hahas.

u cant see that clearly but behind us is japan's version of HELL.called noboribetsu.

clearer?lols very very smoky there.and in front of us was this so called hot spring.except its too hot for humans to relax in la.that sign there says "Please dont put coins in it."

my mum!ahh now u can see clearly.
that place STANK like hell.(haha no pun intended.)people were making "who farted??" comments while we were walking lols.
ok last pic.(damn u blogger.)

we visited this village.its called the ainu village.the tribe is obviously called ainu la.we went to this house and the guy on the far left gave this talk about it.very cute la he.he could speak abit of chinese also.hahas.
thast about as many as i will upload.hardly anyone comes here anyways.
appreciate my effort!!haha.hopefully i'll have a chance to go out soon.byee.
5:57 PM.