Wednesday, January 31, 2007
new skin(: perfect,heehee.
today we finally started on the sexual reproduction chapter in science.
and for some reason,im starting to find the female diagram a bit disturbing.
i have absolutely no idea why.0.o
and during DnT theory,i kept falling asleep.and im sure mr imran sitting in the centre second row,but no one is sitting in front of me.either he's so blur that he cant see my eyes closing so many times,or hes a really nice
ms ng taught us for maths remedial today.and we did soo many questions.i think for now,my maths is still acceptable.
after remedial hung around minimart and ws with steph,janice and yeeteen.
when i came back,valerie was so "shocked" at my hair condition,then she plucked out my white hair,which is ALOT.

i think shes gonna help me dye my hair.i THINK.
i think i have a dental appointment tomorrow.damn,this whole week i cant come home early.
and curse my phone's memory card and its limited space:/
6:08 PM.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
im all recovered already.
just that my throat still got abit of phlegm,but ok la.
skipped the public speaking thingy yesterday,cos of cg.
went to the singapore conference hall for SYF rehearsal.
think we sounded ok.except for the dizi solo on dong,donno why meizi played it so slow.went way behind.
today we got 1 sec1 coming in to bass.dunno what's her name tho.when man pang asked her she didnt want to give-.-
the rest of the sec1s with no music background went to play with unklongs.forgot how to spell,so i donno if its right.apparently they're giving an ungklong performance.diao la,because u dont even need to memorise any notes,all you have to do is shake it.dotz.
we're gonna have saturday practice liao.sighs.good thing is,ALL practice sessions are going to be COMBINED.i think.but its a good thing(:sectionals are freakin boring.and everytime i see the bass teacher i feel veeery annoyedd.D:<
im feeling a bit pissed now.homework which should have been handed up earlier is only half done.and im not giving a damn about it.bah.
i wanna sleep in leh.sighs.
11:57 PM.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
bah.guess what.
ive lost my sense of taste:(
i couldnt taste
anything that i ate today.aaaahhhh.
i even forgot if seaweed is supposed to be a little spicy or at least saltish,since i havent eaten it since
forever,and i couldnt taste a thing.:/
i think i can eat chili now,since i cant taste anything.i hate chili(:
my nose isnt functioning that great either.sighs.
mrs wong didnt come sad,i was looking forward to a movie.
and today for cg,man pang+humphrey(?) actually came.gaspp
shockk and think im used to him wearing long pants already.
and also a new person came.i dunno how to spell her name.lets see..abyde?aiya.pronounced a-bi-te.something like that.
i actually mistook her for a sec1.when she looks
nothing like a
hr:are u my senior or junior?me:junior.her:*suprised look*me:ure sec1 right?her:*out raged reaction* do i look like a sec1??im sec3!!*continues to scold me*me:omg sorry right.hahs blurblur me.shes a nice person.said shesonly here now cos she went overseas to study in sec2. then when she and regene found out that ms chiam is my maths teacher.they were soo shocked.said shes a nice teacher but her teaching sucks.i have to go for maths tuitionn if i dont want to fail.apparently a whole class failed cos of her before.becos she was teaching normal acad before,then changed to i have maths remedial la.and the teacher's not i should be safe:D
when mum realised i was sick-ish she told me to eat panadol cold.which i havent.but i did drink orange juice.and its fresh from the blender somemore!mmm yummy..i still have homework to do.bahh.i dont wanna do.sighhs.:Dbyee.
9:10 PM.
i feel so sick.):
ive been sniffing non-stop in skool today.used up a whole pack of tissue. the hell did i fall sick for no reason??
ms chiam changed our seats im sitting at the to the window.who wants to bet i'll be falling asleep in class in the future?especially on hot days.:/
i am now surrounded by danial,zixiang,shimin,yinghui,and another girl i think her name is nurul.
had the public speaking thingy after lunch.damn fun.
our teacher is mrs clark.and shes damn funny.
she was calling zixiang to do something?then she couldnt pronounce his name.
so she was asking if he had an easier name.then someone said now everytime she calls him she calls him luh.
when i reached home i just plopped on my bed and slept until 7+.felt so freaking lethargic.and i still do.
and the weird thing is,i dont want to skip skool tomorrow!!!ive gone mad.:p
hopefully i get better or i get worse enough to between feels like
8:28 PM.
proof of how blur i really am.
today i forgot to bring my PE attire.
and i had been checking and rechecking my timetable when i was packing my bag last night.
my tian-.-
kena run 3 rounds around parade square.
felt so embarassed...ahhhhhh~
last time i remembered PE but forgot tie for its the other way round.
oh help me.
bah.then during assembly,mr sam briefed us on the emergency evacution thingy.and throughout his whole(boring) speech i was sleeping.yes though the whole thing.:DD when he was at the last slide everyone was clapping.xD
then next -.-mdm kathleen chng.and what was she going to show us?make a guess!
thats right, PERSONAL GROOMING.when those 2 words showed on the screen people were like jeering.
she took photos as an example.
at one point,we got a big lecture from ms chew.
now ear sticks are not allowed in skool.geez.
i wonder how many people actually like this DM
?*tsktsktsk*mr see toh,come back pls(:lol.and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.i have become addicted to taiwanese dramas already.
i started off with It Started with A Kiss.
then Devil Beside You.<3333ilovethisshow.mike>i wanted to post a video but the damn blogger wont let me.arrgh!!stupid blogger.
i might post some pics of MH if i feel like it.lols im going mad.
off to youtube again.
10:18 PM.
this post seems so random.
skool like any other day.
had sectional during cg.
all i had to do was just practise the jian kuai de liang feng.
i have finally mastered all the fast notes!!except for one part still abit slow but ya.
and i was feeling a bit i took pics.

then during break,went to the auditorium,and out of pure boredom drew on my shoe.

the result of a boredbored girl=:) lol.
if u look closely u can see my shoe is wet.its raining again....

then it started smudging.

it looks like some sort of

then after cg.started raining AGAIN.and my shoes got soo wet.

haha.all that from a little :) and 2 circles.
chromatography!ha!so now we all know black is made up of pink,blue,green and some different shades of purple.xDD

pretty not?
so much weekend considering whether i should just let my zuo wen go to hell.500 words leh.sighs.
gonna sleep soon.byee.
11:10 PM.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
i am starting to feel really really annoyed when ever its time for maths.
maybe its the way miss chiam teaches.its either me or her,but i couldnt understand half of what she explained about one of the direct proportion questions she gave maths is really terrible.sighs.
then in english it was debate time!the topic was "students should be in charge of the school discipline instead of teachers."or something like that.wan ning didnt come,so lijuan they all asked me to stand in for her.i was soo unsure of what to say.ahh!!and i think i talked too softly sighs.but it was fun la.boys vs the girls,(the girls were for "against")we kept "shooting" each other down.hahas.was so funny.and at one point,izwan(iswan?) was like:"u dont understand what we are saying,
we dont understand what we are saying." LOL.
then in geog mrs koh showed us a pic of an anorexic lady.absolutely stick thin,and she has NO butt.eew.(yes naked.but it was the back view.)
then after school cca orientation for the sec 1s.think cg did so sad cause i missed the dance performance.ahhhhh!!!!!
went to see band after we finished putting the instruments and stuff away tho.and they played 3 songs!somemore damn nice de songs!ahhh!!!
its war between cg and band.haas.
i need a new blogskin.anybody got nice skin to recommend?
7:03 PM.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
i've been made geography rep.
and class comm was elected today.
charmaine is chairperson again.(:
and i forgot to bring my tie for assembly.
i am soo blur la.kept double checking the timetable when i was packing my bag,and i can still not notice the big ASSY(assembly)word there.
but the prefects never stopped me from going its ok.
cg today was normal la.crapcrapcrap audi wont be available next tuesday.we'll be using the gonna dieeeee.stupid bass so heavy must carry up and down.:(
cca orientation coming!yay i'll be able to order around the sec 1s now.hahas.
went to ws popular after skool.wanted to use my $10 vouchers.kena caught by vice principal!was just cd browsing then she was like:" What are u girls doing here?" from behind. so shockedd.
weiqi,vivian,yanting:*looks at vp*
me:*half-mumbling* "i just want to buy books.."
VP(forgot her name..miss chew?):*saying u have to ask permission and its not safe yadda yadda..*
then she just said faster go buy then go.
i think i took too long to choose.she came and started chasing us i just got some marker pens and a book.(Avalon High.)
so sway luh.because of my idiotic blurness i didnt buy $20 worth.i could have bought more pens.the total was $17+?the woman was like,u wont get any change u know.and i was like **blurblur** "aahh."
i already finished reading the book.actually a waste of money la,for me its better to rent books that are "not so thick" than actually buy.since i can finish it in one day.
my tian ah , why am i so blur.
yay can sleep in will feel so nice to sleep one hour later on monday(:
ok im off to sleep now.
1:06 AM.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
mrs vicki koh is my english teacher again!
shes also teaching 2/5 geog.
geog today was so funny.
she decided to tell us a story concerning singapore's population.
everyone was laughing.[:
our science teacher is mdm huda,that new teacher.
cg again tomorrow...
did i mention that he's cute?
weekend coming!
11:35 PM.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
skool started again todayy.
the sec 1s looked so quiet.i dont think we were that quiet last year.
mdm ng told us mr seetoh has been posted to another skool already.and everybody was like,
so the new DM is miss cheng.
shes so fierce.come back mr seetoh!!!(:
new form teacher is miss ann chiam.shes ok,quite a friendly teacher.
and the new timetable is so confusing.
instead of week by week,its operating on a 10 day cycle.
its the start of a new year finally.
i never updated the past few days because
1.i was internetless.
2.staying over at cheryl's house.
start with my favourite topic right now.
DEATHNOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or L lah.watched the day it opened with cheryl and vanessa.he is so freaking cute.<3
see,i have to crop Light out of the picture.

his reaction when he saw misa was soo cute:D(see the lolipop?<3)

and the way he sits.and eats.and holds his phone.
i siao already la.when the movie started i actually cheered.out"Woo!".cheryl was nudging me with a look.hahas.
i got the manga/comic book.(: 3 and 4. he's damn ugly in the book and the hair is different but still veryveryvery CUTE.MUST WATCH,if u havent.stupid ending,but still watch.
:Dok i'll shut up about him now.
next day stayed over with c and v.went to to a "D&D" with cheryl at her friend's church.super BORING.prefer my own.(:
went to swensens for dinner the next day.i ate sourdough chicken AND waffle.
those are strawberries at the side btw.
felt really really uncomfortable when we went back.woke up really early in the morning,and after a few hours of agony,threw it all up.did it again a few minutes later.felt like hell.their grandma gave me some medicated oil then i rested until 10+.
parents picked me up and went to church.threw up the last of it there.
bbq that night was feeling so sick.ended starting my new year SICK.URGH.
next day went to marcus's house.tried to take picture jumping.

fail!marcus still on the ground!lols uncle martin in the background.

ahh thats better.haas.
ok im lazy to post more L pic tho.
hehes.blur i know.
i uploaded a few more on friendster.haas.ive really gone mad.ok gotta go byee.
5:25 PM.