i am officially inLOVEwith Farenheit.
i love wu zun and jiro.(who doesnt?) aaron is soo cute.
calvin is freaking ugly.
haas ok kidding kidding.hes ok hes got a sense of humour(:
i am soo superficial.lol.
bought the hana kimi soundtrack today.now i want FARENHEIT'S ALBUM!!!!THE SONGS WERE NICER THAN I THOUGHT!!!
see i dont just like them cos they're cute(:
oo and i got a belated bday song at guitar class.hahas.
o yeah.
14 and 23 respectively.
im gonna ask melissa to get me the cd.havent buy prezzie for me yet.heehees.
ok nothing much to blog bout today.
off to do hw.
10:37 PM.
i am 14:DD
wan ning and the 3 daughters gave me a really nice notebook and a hp pouch respectively on thurs(:
got lots of bday wishes.and the class sang a bday song:D
o yeah and ms chiam gave me and the other march babies M&Ms+mini mentos.
the M&Ms are STILL in my bag unopened.the mentos i shared with people,so in the end i only got to eat 1:( but haha nvm. valerie gave me 20 bucks to buy my own present.heehees.probably buying tmr when i go to tm.
bought the Devil Beside You dvd FINALLY.mike he is super handsome and his character is my dream boyfriend<3 color="#ff0000" size="4">WHAT THE HELL LOR.
if it wasnt for the freaking conductor cg would have played quite nice one lo im sure.we didnt go on a 3 day training camp for nothing.that conductor liu lao shi keeps making us play at a slower tempo then the original,unlike mr goh.of course when we play slower at a speed we are not used to we will get mixed up play like shit right?wlao.
speech day better not have that conductor.liu hai feng is ok.mr goh the best.B:<ok.then today.break time.went to minimart.vernessa said she heard some(band people?) saying that cg sucks.they didnt know that she was from cg.so she whispered "band sucks" when they walked past.LOL.no offence to band people.if u get a lousy conductor u will surely play lousy like shit right?CG RAWKS OK.and AHHHHHH!!syf 2 MORE SATURDAYS ONLY!!scary.tuesday full-dress.sighs.byee.
9:56 PM.
got class t-shirt yesterday.
its red and white and the material is like the jersey type.quite nice(:
and we got the blazers today.speech day is inching closer and closer.i cannot take it anymore luh,play the same two songs over and over.somemore when the suona teacher conducts -.=.
his rythm has to be so frickinn slow.and he keeps stopping.
shou bu liao la.i played crap today.
PLUS i hated double bass especially alot today.
saw the juniors from the tan bo yue learning their new instruments.freaking jealous:(two more days till my bday.ahh cant wait.this week seems to be a really crappy week.urghh.ifeelsotired..BAH. Dx
9:20 PM.
today cg.i was feeling soo sian.couldnt play seriously.i didnt eat breakfast.(which is what i usually do)then i regretted it.was feeling so hungry.then later i was like so siao,didnt want to play properly,then kept making man pang laugh cos i was saying nonsensical things,like:
me:i didnt eat breakfast,ive got hypertension.
him:huh??u never learn your home econs huhh never eat breakfast where got hypertension one aiyoo u arh..
something like that.(:
like lols.
then my notes were like short jerks like that.he was like:what are you doing??*laughs in a diao way*
me:i am so high..
lol.bought 2 packs of pocky at break.then regretted it at lunch time cos i was abit broke.u noe the iced milo has been raised to $2.10??siao la!!Dx
siann la.
after prac zhiwei came and sort of pulled at my bag,making the strap break-.=then while we were walking to ws i kept hitting him with it,and the rest of us were laughing at him.he was like ahhh im being bullied!!haha super funny.
ok blog bout cg camp.
practise in the morning on monday.yanting thought my bag was so small.small mehh??hers is smaller man.
thenthenthen.practise again??then sent to our classrooms.then back to auditorium practise again.aiya whole day practise la.then dinner time.miss tso said best time to go and bathe,then later noneed to fight with band and leadership people.so after we finished eating(chicken rice)me and weiqi went to shower.
practice.until 9.30.then we can do anything we want that doesnt break the school rules.
the rest went to shower.then i went into siao mode and started dancing with my inflatable pillow.weiqi was like diaoo.
decided to do maths homework.and i left ALOT of blanks.to heck with it monday go ask miss chiam help me.
breakfast.(cereal,milo,bread with nutella/peanut butter)
apparently leadership people only got to eat biscuits.bwahahaaha.'
umm.back to audi.decided to autopilot(play without conductor)until conductor came.was soo tiredd.luckily mr goh gave us time to sleep while he worked on some of the sections problems.
uhh.lunch.(wanton mee)
fastforward to night practice.
got the people to come and do a recording for us.
skipskip next day.
we had alot of time during break/lunch played sissors paper stone and beating style.what??bored mahh!!
back to audi.played again with weiqi.zhiwei saw then he wanted to play with me.he beats damnn hardd man.both our hands got so red.when i beat him one last time his "oww!" was soo funny.lol!!
during prac mr goh was like ichibann!!very good want to record with hp.then he asked if anyone wanted to record.so took our hps put on a chair in front and we recorded both liang feng and dong.hahas.
its saturday!!!my homework still not done.sian.-.=
i feel like watching stomp t

he yard again.

damn nice.those people are really pro at dancing.
and im so inlove with naruto now.
that was random.xD
kk bye.
11:15 PM.
had cg today and i was late again.:/sian.
went out with wongahsoh today.
wanted to watch epic movie /ghost rider but there wasnt any afternoon show available.:(
she had to go to tm earlier to get her band stuff.
met her at century at almost 5.
was so rushed,had to quickly decide which movie we wanted.
finally chose Stomp The Yard.
damn nice.its about dancing.so glad i chose this movie(:
then after the movie wanted to go toilet.but because we were talking and talking didnt pay much attention to where we were going exactly.so we kept going off track.lol.
cp training camp on monday.practically the whole timetable is filled with practice.weiqi said we will be practicing for 30 hours in all.which is 10 hours a day.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
so happy i have trusty old youtube.no need to miss hana kimi(:
9:46 PM.
hahas.my internet has finally returned!!WOOOOOO!!!!!
gotta new modem:MIO.lol.
i am sooo happy.:DDDD
temporary skin. the thing is overlapping,blocking my words.
holidays are coming.and so is SYF.GASPP.
so kong bu.less than a month sia.gonna have training camp.ms tso said must PING LE!!lol.i have to memorise my score quick.
playing Dong for speech day somemore.at rehearsal i think we sounded like shit?but shi min said we sounded very nice.funny thing is,i thought band sounded damn nice,but she said they sounded like shit.LOL.
o yeah.my birthday coming soon.two more weeks.i can buy my devil beside you dvd soon!!!yayy!!
i am going to watch hana kimi all the way now.Youtube i love you.:DD
6:40 PM.