i gotta phone already.
sis gave me her spare phone.
pink samsung XGH-X520.
today had DnT remedial to finish up the artifact.
my uniform is so dirt cos i was flicking paint at my artifact to make it look 'artistic'.lol.
the thingy cant turn properly but to heck with it.
i dont even care bout my portfolio anymore.
but i will make sure i complete it for home econs.if i break this promise,may the Good Lord strike me down.**touch wood** hehe.
oo shih eng said zhi wei shaved botak.0.o i wanna see!:D
after DnT took neoprint with nisa and shimin.then after that with yinghui and jessie.
i am (sonot)proud to announce that i have used the exact same machine
3 times.
-.=. i dont want to use it again.
so i lost track of time and forgot about guitar lesson.went home already 7+.dad called,said maybe i could make it.
but then no point going,since if i went,then i would attend a few minutes lesson then must go back already.
so didnt go today.
next week changed to 8.
might be watching spiderman 3 with cheryl tomorrow:D
8:33 PM.
woo yeah(:
like yay.
and plusplus.
shi min can go too!
so we can go together.
ran 2.4 again today.
timing 19:13=.-
next time once i start my last round im gonna make sure i dont walk.or if i walk,(i will surely walk one)i make sure i dont stop running once i start.
can die man.
after school went to the new neoprint shop with the girls.
the stupid machine only allows 2 pics?
and we chose the wrong ones.haiiss.
we'll go again after exams(:
oo morning assembly.this guy called daryl was supposed to play classical guitar:D
he must have been really nervous.
and donno whether it was the mike or his playing,but i could hardly hear a thing.
seriously felt like grabbing the guitar from him and playing it myself xD
haa now i feel like practising.
3:08 PM.
new skinn.
today's morning asembly was reaally niicee.
mr fabian lim was talking bout the which teacher likes this singer contest.
and theres a teacher that likes this band called
weird name for a band.
and the teacher that likes that band is...
i found this song,quite nice la.
Bread - I Cant Find The Words To Say Goodbye.
after that there was this guitar performance by some uppersec guys.and omg the song they performed really damn nice.one guy on electric guitar and two guys on accoustic,one of the 2 was singing.didnt have my specs so i couldnt see clearly.
anyways they've organised a SIA-Student Initiated Activity.fridays 1-2 they will teach you how to play guitar.(:
i changed place with pearl today.
during mother tongue liss loi finally announced bout the the cameron highlands trip.
and i cant go!!!unless somebody cannot go then i can!!!its not fucking fair!!!
i pray hardd that i can go.im in the 'i want to go overseas' mood again.
its 4days 3nights lehh!!and the things that we are gonna do...
i want i want i want i want
i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want i want
yaya im desperate.
oh fucking gawd i have to do art and and geog hw.
8:21 PM.
omg la.
i lost my freakin spectacles.
and i dont have a spare pair.so now just looking at the computer screen is giving me a biig headache.
so had compo for eng and chinese today.im probably gonna lose a lot of marks for letter writing.chinese ehm...i believe i wrote complete rubbish.i forgot to bring my chinese dictionary and i forgot how to write the simplestwords.only after the exam finished then i remember=.-
had extra literature lesson.we went through the R&J test.i got 11/20.
mrs wong said theres gonna be this type of passsage in mid-years,and im super happy cos i LOVE shakespearian
Ywakakaka.it was raining really heavy after lesson.april renee they all asked us to share umbrella so we sent them to the minimart.we got reeaaally wet.we were screaming when we crossed the road,the wind was practically blowing us away.the umbrellas only kept our heads dry.lol.then i discovered i lost my specs.the rain was blowing in my face so i took off my specs and put them in my shirt pocket.we went all the way back to the minimart to search but no success.so my parents brought me to the optical shop before my guitar lesson.im getting frames now.hiya.today was a bad day.im gonna go blind(:bye,
9:14 PM.
yayy changed skin again.
the jumping milk bottles are really cute yeahhs?
but its a temporary skin,ive found lots of nice skins i wanna use(:
went to izwan's b-day party yesterday with shimin.
she was reunited with her old friend there:D
both of them were so happy,and i made a new friend(:
i saw jian ming there also.was really surprised that we were at the same function.seems like he didnt change much xD didnt talk to him though.
izwan ALMOST got pushed into the pool.his poor brother kena instead.
was pretty bored actually.we hung around until bout 8pm then we left.
walked from costa sands to downtown east.wanted to play at the arcade buit i didnt have a card!!and not enough money!!so we couldnt play.
my parents caught us near the bus stop so they sent shimin home,then we went home.
hmm not much happened.
finally told my parents i lost my phone today.
ya they weren't happy.(duh)
mid years are soso near now.
and im so gonna fail my damned exams.
5:07 PM.
i fell asleep in bio again.
it never fails.what the hell is wrong with me.almost everytime i'll feel drowsy in bio.
why does it have to be BIO??why cant it be english??im going to fail bio already la.-.=
hmm art. we have to draw sel-portraits.and joan said:hidayat is so easy to draw,no hair.
haha he's botak now.
had chinese oral.and i think i screwed up pretty bad.a number of words i was unsure of in the passage reading,then the conversation..i said alot of 'THEN's!!!
its like: wo jue de blah blah blah,then blahblahblah...
im gonna get super low marks,if i dont fail that is.
after,went to cg.found jasmine help us take attendance.i was walking here walking there,then i finally had no choice but to go to my bass teacher.my junior so lousy one,nvr come for cg de:(
there is seriously nothing to practise.so he said either go find and classsroom and practise or go home.so i finally decided,aiya go home la.
today is free cone day at ws ben&jerry's!i was so confused about where the bloody queue was,i almost cut queue-ed twice.the line was super long.i was just waiting there then i saw mark.so he came over:"wah u dont go cg come here queue for icecream arh!"
i mumble some excuse.
"might as well fork out $1 and get from mcdonalds!"
lol.ehh its free cones you know!what singaporean would pass up something free?
ooh my mum just came and suggested bringing leo for a walk.
6:05 PM.
all the files on my comp are gonee.
dad is trying to get them back.
please get them back PLEASE.i already cant survive without them.
and i STILL havent found my bloody hp.
i want to cry la.:(
new skin.
quite nice ,but temporary.
i am trying to fix the posts part,but nothing seems to be working.
so pls bear with it,whoever who actually reads this blog,until i find a better skin.
i think im off to eat,then do some hw(:
7:20 PM.
my comp crashed!
just one monday,i come back home and mum says the comp cant be used!
wat the hell??
but its fixed already yayy.
but im gonna have to re download some stuff like msn and flash player.sighs...
had napfa test already.my pullups failed miserably.i managed to do ONE SINGLE PULLUP.
i think i'll get super low points.(didnt really bother to check properly)
i dont give a damn anyways.hehe(:
and today was supposed to run 2.4.but it had to rain.x(
i wouldnt have minded running in the rain actually.
so the teachers decided to let us run on the second floor.but only the boys since there were too many people.so they have to ask their girl classmates help them keep track of the laps.(11 rounds)
i helped alden.HE IS FREAKING FAST MAN.
he was the first one to finish. and his timing was
he broke his record,and one of the teachers said he is the fastest guy in the SCHOOL.not LEVEL.SCHOOL.
the girls who were helping out was sitting at the prefects room there.so like everytime he runs past 2/5 would cheer for him.haha.
joan was like: alden's my idol.'
i think im like a tortoise crawling compared to him.lol.
my room is repainted!in fact the whole house is repainted.but its not completely finished yet.the rooms,the roofs look so new.
my room is now
ORANGE SORBET.or sorbet orange.its somewhere around ^that shade.
soo much nicer than that fading pale pink.(:
***omg ahhhh.
i am soo scared that i have LOST MY PHONE.MY PRECIOUS HP.
i cant find it.and the problem is,i switched it off!!stupid me.
ive been calling my phone many times,and its still switched off,meaning that nobody's found it yet,or it has been found but the person is too stupid and doesnt know how to switch it on.which is highly unlikely.impossible.
God help me.i cant survive without my phone laa!
plsplsPLS let me find it soon.im so going to die without it.Dx Dx Dx Dx
and im probably gonna fail my exams.GAWD.
my hw is like shit,im not studying properly..ARGH.
alright bye.
10:54 PM.
for the first time in a longg time.
so i could sleep in yay.
and i woke up BEFORE noon.
could have gone out to watch movie with cheryl and her sweetheart(: today.
shes so funny.i said i would feel very extraa one.and she said:noo!i will stick to you one!really!
BUT huh.my mum.
"NOno late night shows!No!"
8.30 show late night meh?and its saturday somemore.sighs.
so cheryl was like u bloody idiot.he's abit boring eh!
i reaally want to watch meet the robinsons tho.seems reeaally funnnyyy.
saw the theatrical trailer.that dinosaur so cute.
villian: Seize the boy!
villian: Why are'nt you seizing the boy?!
dinosaur: i have a big head. And little arms.*wiggles arms*
oo andand.
i missed the premiere on channel 5 luhh.so irritating!damn my forgetful memory.
freakin mid years coming.SHUCKS.my maths will destroy me if i dont buck up.
i actually did some of my geog hw just now.but it is now 1am and im going to Zzz already.
and craps im not sure whether tmr have cathecism anot.ahhh.
12:50 AM.
i skipped maths remedial yesterday.
and ms chiam called.i went home after skool lah,so mum passed the phone to me.haaaa i gave the excuse that i FORGOT.
ms chiam was like,ehh,your record is very clean you know!!next time if ure not coming must tell me!
if i tell u,ure surely going to ask for a reason.of course you wont let me leave if i told u,i dont feel like going i just want to go home.
got report books back today.i failed my maths:46,D7. not that surprised lah actually.
BUT i seriously need to buck up.YAAH!!.
i hate maths:(
after skool had bio.i think i was half awake halfway through the lesson.not really listening but not asleep either.-.=?
got portfolios back.i got 16/20(: nisa got full marks.she was soo happy luh(:
then went to art room next to do the paper mache thingy.joan and i GIVE UP on the legs already luh.not secure at all.bloody zixiang and hidayat so useless.one go play volleyball one donno disappear where.
but yayness tmr NO SKOOOL.good friday yeah.churchchurchchurch!
9:20 PM.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
craps luh.
mrs chew talked about us cg at assembly.wlao
make me cry again.:(
she wants the other ccas to take us as their role model,because of our
spirit?ai ya something like that.
elyse asked whether we got silver because of the costume.???they will judge the costume de??
damn the judges.i think we played quite good lo.we practiced soo hard.notice its the "good" schools who got gold?if its just cause we're a neighbourhood school,then damn them la.
was feeling soo tired.i wanted to sleep as early as possible last night,meaning before 12,but i still ended up sleeping at 12+?i think i practically slept through first 2 periods lah.(geog and bio)
went to 2/2 at recess time.thanks for the hug stephanie(: made me feel better.
apparently theres a rumour that the teachers are leaving??mr goh,liu haifeng,all the teachers?because we didnt get gold??ahhh!!??
[edit] just read stephanie's blog.mr goh is really good,if he leaves,what if cg falls without him?and the rest of the teachers??it wont fell the same anymore,plus the sec4s will be stepping down..
.[edit]i pray that it's not true.
and to
some people.if u want to laugh at cg u go and get a gold first.dont act like you're so high and mighty like that.if we laugh at u will u feel good?no of course,so shut the fcuk up.
we're gonna train our juniors hard!we WILL SUCCEED!!rawr!!
i wish the teachers will some how lose their minds and not give us a SINGLE piece of homework.NOT ONE PIECE.
3:34 PM.
syf today.
DAMN la.
and quite a few people cried.including me.:(
nanyang girls got gold with honours?victoria and chong cheng got gold.
we practised so hard.hiya.in the end we mantained our standard.at least we didnt drop.but WE ARE STILL THE BEST!!CG RAWKS OK.RAWR!thank you so much our dear supporters,including mr benjamin quek and mdm ng(:the band people better work hard next tuesday>:Bi dont wanna go to skool tmr.>:(DONT WANT.ahhhhh!fish la.now i feel pissed.TSK.bye.
9:24 PM.
cg today.
tomorrow's SYF.
and my stupid finger got a stupid blister which i sort of popped and then peeled and now it hurts abit to puck strings and i need a plaster and im cursing myself for peeling my skin.
AND man pang is going to make me burst a blood vessel.
i am FREAKING TIRED,i felt like crying for no particular reason.
like woo!lol.
oo.and meiyen's gonna buy me farenheit album!yay!iloveu wongahsohh.
oh andand.
haha.i absolutely Y my blog song.
mrs wong showed us the RandJ movie last week?
Leonardo Dicaprio is(was?) soo HOT<3
haha.the couple is so sweet.especially when they kiss.hehe.(:
everybody got so excited at the death scene.i thought i would cry,but i didnt.renee cried tho.evryone was like eh renee relax its just a movie.lol.
was hoping to see the balcony scene,but mrs wong skipped it.watched on youtube.so nice la.
shakespearen is so cheem.but i understood some.haha.
some of my favourite lines from the first time they met:
'Did my heart love till now? For swear at sight. For i never saw true beauty till this night.'
'I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine my gentle sin is this.
My lips,two blushing pilgrims ready stand,to smooth that rough touch,with a tender kiss.'
*Juliet talks*
Let lips do what hands do, they pray grant thou....
Then move not while prayers affect i take..
then they kiss(: i think there are a few more lines i like but im lazy to type.
just go to youtube and search romeo and juliet if u want to watch.the whole movie is there.

i love thee.
hiya he's in his 30s now.but quite ok.anybody watched blood diamond?
all of a sudden i feel like watching titanic.LOLL.
yay im sleeping earlier today.i wanna watch after hours first.
k byee.
8:20 PM.