FUCK.when i say
FUCK. i mean
FUCK.*if you are reading this,and if you have no interest in a person venting her frustrations,please scroll down to the asterisk.(its this * ,if u somehow didnt know.)for some reason,my fucking flash player or whatever shit cannot work anymore.so i cannot fucking watch any videos on youtube or crunchyroll.which fucking means that my ANIME ACCESS has been fucking CUT OFF.I CANT WATCH ANY MORE OF MY ANIME UNTIL I SOLVE THIS PROBLEM!(likehowthefuckdoyousolve it??)
if there is a soul reading this(yeah right),that soul is probably thinking:"What's the big deal? What a big fuss about nothing.-.-'' "
i can hardly survive without it.it is like one of my MAIN sources of entertainment.
ya i know there are other sources of entertainment.
i dont do those.
i plan what show im going to watch next before im even finished with the current one.
oh, and did i mention that i depend on YOUTUBE itself as well.
i am suffering already.
so far,i have other stuff to fall back on.
but if i don't watch my Naruto SOON,i SWEAR i will go MAD.
ohyeah,i cant even LISTEN to music from imeem anymore.
i know i need a life.
well,thats me.>:B
*if u actually read the above,well um..good for you!!
aiya, anyways just ignore it.
i have suddenly realised that i have nothing to blog about!
oh wait here's one.
i watched Saw2!!
it is so SICK but so AWESOME.
shih eng said im sadistic.no lah,i dont feel good with all the gory stuff,just that the ending is SO GOOD.
ok im abit siao now.
mum said the kids(as in me,cheryl,vanessa and marcus) will be going to bali after all,since we'll be going during the last week of the holidays.
i should borrow Saw3 from nisa before that,maybe we can watch it together there(:
list of things to get done.1. Borrow Saw3.
2. Start on homework.
3. FINISH homework BEFORE holidays end.
4. Watch Shrek3(next week,gleehaha:D)
5. Watch Pirates of The Carribean.
ok byee.
8:26 PM.
went to collect report book today.
classroom was so empty when i reched with my parents.there was only ying ming and charmaine inside?plus jasmine,who i assume was waiting for ying ming.
based on my results now,im sure as hell gonna be taking POA later.i have NO interest in maths,i'd drop the damned subject if i could.
my marks suck la.blame mysel for not studying properly.
i got my mp3 back some time ago.added quite a few songs to it already.but theres a problem.some bits of the songs get cut off or another song suddenly cuts in.
aarrggh.but nvm.i got my mp3 back:DD
i am completely crazy over SAW now.
i watched Saw1 when i was in cameron highlands and it is SUPER FUCKING UBER AWESOME.it was soo much better than i expected.my eyes were still glued to the tv even when my 'neighbours' were calling me for something xDcould have watched Saw2(they were showing backtoback)but i felt like sleeping so i didnt watch.
and i just found out today that I HAVE SAW2.LIKE ZOMFG!!!AHHH!
i only watched a bit cos i had to go out to dinner and came back late.i am DEFINITELY GONNA WATCH IT TOMORROW!!
i swear i have never gone this siao over a HORROR movie before.wth man.
FREAKIN NICE LA.if there is a Saw4 i am definitely gonna watch it.WAAAH!
*rolls eyes at the siao zhar bo*
malaysia pics wayy overduee.but holidays are here already i have plenty of time!!
11:53 PM.
im back from camp.
ya had sec 2 camp from wednesday(yesterday) till today.
im freakin tired.
freakinfucking sunburned.
my arms and the ares around my knees.
it burning like hell.
went to school yesterday with my bag.
during morning assembly was trying to finish reading my slamdunk manga as fast as possible.yayy i finally found the part where rukawa falls asleep cycling.so stupid lols(: im gonna find that episode:DD
couldnt finish it.halfway through book 9.yinghui was bugging me for it so i heck cared and passed it to her.
after MA the people going for 3 star camp went to the foyer.was seperated into groups.me group4.
sat on the bus went to changi water centre??i donno what its called.
changed into our dark clothes for the girls.
so group 3&4 went dragon boating first,group 1&2 kayaking.
dragon boating is fun can.had to keep timing so that we could all paddle together.at first we went 1,2,3!then changed to A,B,C!then C,S,S!then 3,2,1!then back to A,B,C!
because of some stupid people,we couldnt row all the way to easst coast and eat there.we could have experienced rowing in the rain lehh!
so we went after lunch.not to east coast to some other place.
the boat was freakin full of water.tried to bail out but the waves kept bring the wter back.so we brought the boat up the beach and overturned it.then we took it into the water deeper and climbed in.when i climbed in i had to crawl on my stomach.and wensen went:nice legs.
when we reached our destination went to the toilet/open shower to wash our shoes.then we switched over DB to kayaking.
i fucking got paired up with ojas.not that i have anything against him but he's like...ya.i am evil wahaha.ive gone kayaking before and its freaking tiring.soo much harder then DB.(like duhhh-.-'')
bus took us to the campsite.ate dinner first.was ssoo unlucky i dropped both my fish and er fishcakey thingy.so all that i was left with was rice and veggie.it got so hard to swallow down i just threw it away.
the girls got to sleep in the aircon room,the boys had to sleep in tents.girls rawk wahaha.
shared 2 beds with lijuan,tingyin and another girl.(think its karthika.)
i couldnt sleep properly!!!my arms felt like they were going to break off and it hurt so bad.DD:
luckily felt better in the morning.
again got problem.mr li said we could have gone to see the sunrise if we hadnt taken so long to clean up.plus eliza was eating in the room then all the girls had to clear their bags for ms helen tan to check.
went to the centre again.
had to build a raft.we were the last to finish!!was freakin hot made my sunburns so painful.sunblock no use la.
was tying the ropes
and heidi was like:"the ropes 'sengehted' leh!
my quek:sengehted..what is that(diao face)
heidi:(also diao face)the ropes are 'slanted'..
mr quek:ahhh,now people can understand you..
then she went sengehted again."its heidi language ok!"
finally finished the raft.me,heidi,pamela,wensen,pearl,brenda, and delton went on.was missing one paddle so i didnt row at first.then pamela passed hers to me.
mr li and pek had to help us change the direction of the raft with their kayak.
finally reached the shore.ahh the water is so nice(:
finished clearing up then the bus took us back to school.we're the earlietb to be released.
went to ben&jerry's and i bought the waffle dish.fucking ex but i heck cared.my bag got a big hole ripped in front!!so heavy brought so many things in the end never use.
i dont feel like going to school tmorrow.stupid post exam activity.
*will upload the cameron highlands pics.but i can take my time nobody readsthis blog anyways.
(slowly staring to feel more and more pissed off)
9:18 PM.
why am i blogging?:/YES i am
BACKK from cameron highlands.
like super fun can.
will upload the photos tomorrow.
fucking tired now.
i dont know why but i feel fucking lousy.
random thoughts:
bye bitches.
get your sorry asses out of here.
like what the hell is wrong with me???DD:
10:19 PM.
was actually supposed to stay back for the stars thing.
stupid ms ng said stay back till 5.
and i still had to do the lit thing.plus spiderman.:DD
soo in the end.i abandoned ying ming and elyse.soo sorryy!!!!!(hidayat "ran away")
me,nisa and shi min went to ivan house.we had such a hard time finding his house man!!'
alden didnt go?so just the 4 of us.
rushed home at bout 4.30.
went for the 6.30 show.
peter got emo hair lol.and 'bad boy' attitude.
lots of funny parts(:
harry osborn is hot xDD (noooo harryyy!DD:)
eddie brock aka venom is also very cute(:
okok i'll calm down..xp
i wanted to buy potato chips!but didnt!
ive still got snack anyway so its ok:D
cameron highlands in a few hours!!
so excited.
will be back with truckloads photos yeah!!
bye buaiii....
11:46 PM.
was actually supposed to stay back for the stars thing.
stupid ms ng said stay back till 5.
and i still had to do the lit thing.plus spiderman.:DD
soo in the end.i abandoned ying ming and elyse.soo sorryy!!!!!(hidayat "ran away")
me,nisa and shi min went to ivan house.we had such a hard time finding his house man!!'
alden didnt go?so just the 4 of us.
rushed home at bout 4.30.
went for the 6.30 show.
peter got emo hair lol.and 'bad boy' attitude.
lots of funny parts(:
harry osborn is hot xDD (noooo harryyy!DD:)
eddie brock aka venom is also very cute(:
okok i'll calm down..xp
i wanted to buy potato chips!but didnt!
ive still got snack anyway so its ok:D
cameron highlands in a few hours!!
so excited.
will be back with truckloads photos yeah!!
bye buaiii....
11:46 PM.
got my geog and chinese marks back today.
55 for geog,and around 56.5 for chinese when its all added up and divided.
had fun yesterday.
weiqi,yanting and shih eng came over to bake biscuits.
had to play 02jam first lol.
soo photos!

weiqi made this.
the end result!biscuits with icing!!
they tasted really nice if i say so myself.
i ended up finishing my own share yesterday.
my left wrist accidently touched the hot tray.so now ive got a scar on my wrist.nisa said its not permanant as long as i dont peel it or whatever.
oh and we got the room arrangements for the CH trip today!
and im sharing with shimin!:DD
2-1 more day(s) to the trip.
cant wait!
definitely bringing my camera,so expect lots of photos(:
ok im off to pack now.
9:12 PM.
we're freeeeeee!
exams are OVERRR!!
today had art and listening compre.both weren't too bad.i did question 1 for art which was drawing this "hybrid creature" from insects.
i chose an ant and a beatle.my description overshot 50 words by a bit,but i think its ok.
listening wasnt bad.think i might have one or 2 questions wrong but its fine(:
its shimin and vanessa's b-day tomorrow!
nisa baked a really nice cake for her!yummy it was good.
i went to More Than Words and bought prezzies for vaness(very cute bank)and shimin(flower earrings)
i have very stupidly realised that i could have bought earrings for vaness also.
im brokeD:
but nvm.
and i wanna play audition!!!
but the stupid asiasoft passport thingy is rejecting evry ic number i try!!!
and im also trying to download 02jam.
but its take freaking long.
1% probably takes more than 5minutes.
but on the plus side..
will be going to cameron highlands on thursday!!
like woo yayy!
havent packed yet.will start soon:)
now my dog is sleeping on my bed and he looks soo cute<3
like a teddy bear:D
random i know but i couldn't help it!!if you could see him now you'd be like awwwww.
something funny happened when i was on the bus home,made me smile(:
hehes byee.
12:32 PM.
we're freeeeeee!
exams are OVERRR!!
today had art and listening compre.both weren't too bad.i did question 1 for art which was drawing this "hybrid creature" from insects.
i chose an ant and a beatle.my description overshot 50 words by a bit,but i think its ok.
listening wasnt bad.think i might have one or 2 questions wrong but its fine(:
its shimin and vanessa's b-day tomorrow!
nisa baked a really nice cake for her!yummy it was good.
i went to More Than Words and bought prezzies for vaness(very cute bank)and shimin(flower earrings)
i have very stupidly realised that i could have bought earrings for vaness also.
im brokeD:
but nvm.
and i wanna play audition!!!
but the stupid asiasoft passport thingy is rejecting evry ic number i try!!!
and im also trying to download 02jam.
but its take freaking long.
1% probably takes more than 5minutes.
but on the plus side..
will be going to cameron highlands on thursday!!
like woo yayy!
havent packed yet.will start soon:)
now my dog is sleeping on my bed and he looks soo cute<3
like a teddy bear:D
random i know but i couldn't help it!!if you could see him now you'd be like awwwww.
something funny happened when i was on the bus home,made me smile(:
hehes byee.
12:32 PM.
i swear that i will die.
so yesterday was english and maths?
im scared i'll fail maths.i think i WILL fail maths.i know ive still got paper 2 but...shit la.
today chinese and geog.
who cares bout chinese?
geog.im also scared of geog.
i forgot most of the stuff for map reading.
i left questions blank.
i was supposed to be mugging for science!!
but i cant focus and theres the lure of the stupid computer!!
like fuck la.
literature can just zoom through the notes can already i think.plus theres shakesperian passage which i so love<3 and shih eng is like:huhh??u like shakespearian passage??
WHAT??even if its cheem its very nice ok!
ok.im off to study.i shall switch off this computer and STUDYY.
fuck i'll fail anyway.
11:15 PM.
i want a pink psp.
white also can.
anybody willing to buy for me?[:im reading Slam Dunk again.
that show is so old!
and ive added another show to my list of anime(that im currently watching)
Mythical Detective Loki.
damn nice ok.
gawd im hopeless.D:
english and maths exam today.
i think english i did ok.
the paper is actually quite easy one.
but i am supersuper scared that i lost ALOT of marks because i put some rubbish answers on some questions.
mug like hell for geog today.
chinese go and die.hehes.
2:01 PM.
aiya you,chew on funny stuff see what happens?
must stay healthy ok,
u silly dog(:
he vomited on the carpet.second time ive seen him do that.
love that brown creature(:
finally saw the botak head today.
like 0.o
and i saw this guy wearing SEIGAKU uniform at whitesands!
(seigaku is a school from Prince of Tennis by the way.go watch,damn nice.saturdays kidscentral,its on at 3pm,but the english dub is soo fake and super annoying,so watch on youtube better:D)
there was this guy walking in my opposite direction,and he was wearing blue and white jacket and pants,so i was thinking eh,like seigaku uniform like that.
then he walked past,and ZOMG it really IS the seigaku uniform.one big"SEIGAKU Tennis Club" printed at the back.
where the hell did he get it??

!!!(he was wearing the long pants)
so cool xD

echizen ryoma and his cat karupin(:
prince of tennis is basically about this guy(ryoma) who is super pro at tennis.umm just watch it its nice:p
i am in deeeeep shit.my DnTportfolio is soo not done. AHHHHH.
and i still have geog hw.sheesh.
7:08 PM.