this is the latest naruto ending!i finally found it!
i LOVE this song!!
friday was racial harmony!
so we decided to wear traditional costumes!borrowed mine from nisa.really nice,but hot.
ahh yes about IT training on thurs!
we crapped alot man!
nisa was asking jiali what theme she would use for the banner.
nisa: is it stars?
joan: see her first know its stars le mah! if she ever goes for plastic surgery she will reshape her face into a star!
all laugh like mad!(while im typing this im giggling like an idiot!)
joan is super funny can?make me laugh like siao kuku.and shes like "aiyoh why you laugh like that??"
then i was thinking of getting photos from the geoff ang website,but the stupid go problem so i couldnt view the thumbnails.had to click on the pics and load them.then sway sway clicked on the topless photos(their hands are covering,dont be so dirty minded(: )then joan saw(since shes sitting next to me)and she was blogging at the same time so...
taken from joan's blog:oh yarh.amanda was looking at nude photos just now !
decided to use cute puppies as my theme.yingming used loki!and some other anime characters!gaahhhh!
ah somemore!joan decided to use spongebob!so she was searching for pics!then she found some and said:"spongebob so cutee!!"
i looked and saw that the search page was filled with mostly patrick.
me:" thats patrick."
and we started laughing again.xDD
stayed back awhile cos i kind of messed up my banner.then nisa finished already,so she took miss tan's stick and like started brandishing it around and went:"hiak hiak!!"so funnyyyyyy!
yinghui came over to do the home econs project but we didnt do anything AGAIN!instead we watched fruit basket and inuyasha.hais.
oh harry potter came out yesterday!and i dont have it!cos my parents went to thailand!they're not around to buy for me!
and my guitar string snapped!i cant practise!T.T
and i need to finish my homework(:
3:56 PM.
im in the computer lab right now.
started our IT training session yesterday.
made the flash thingys,its so cool man!!
im joan & im here to invade amanda's privacy :D
lol amanda is backk!!
mr quek scolded us and indirectly accused us of spoiling the pc equipment and stuffs.
apparently our behavious is very bad.
the teacher is miss tan puay ling.and she can do this cool thing where she can show us what shes doing on her screen on our screens!
ok i want to concentrate on work now!
2:49 PM.
this song is gooood(:
i just finished my homework!yayy!
and for my maths homework,i actually did all three levels!time to pop the champagne man!:DD
HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS is coming out on saturday!!
and will be watching Harry Potter next thursday!
wanted to watch this thursday but i have IT training.
wanted to blog about my rather UNLUCKY Friday the 13th last week,but no time.
so what happened to me was:
1. i woke up late(7.04am to be exact,luckily i made it JUST ON TIME)
2. leo puked(vomited) on my bed.
3. i stepped on his poo(he pooed in my room)
4. i broke a mirror(seven years of bad luck anyone?)
im not exactly the superstitious type la,but that day..tsk.
so about today..for p.e since racial harmony is coming up the teachers made us play those traditional games.decided to play zero-point.didnt play for so long forgot everything already but wanning they all remembered.quite fun yeah.
borrowed two books today,and one happens to be Lord of The Rings.freaking thick.but i will persevere!!
ok byee.
11:27 PM.
baked muffins for home econs today!and i remembered the chocolate chips!:DD
the muffins came out quite good.misa and shimin's came out flat!lol!!
and i "scalded" myself again! my finger swelled abit but it doesnt hurt anymore.
one muffin sits on my bed going to eat it soon. borreeed.
found another video that showed parts of the filming process but didnt watch the whole thing, would probably spoil the whole "suspense" thing.
im gonna eat my muffin(:
10:11 PM.

wonder how uncomfortable that must be?(:
checked height and weight today. and apparently im still stuck at 1.63.
i didnt grow! gaahh!
ms chiam changed our seats but im still stuck at the same old place.damn!
and i practically slept through maths lesson.shit!
after school ms helen tan brought us to the Old Ford Factory. that place is quite interesting,especially the exhibits. just take a look and listen...
to this amazingly talented guy called Andy Mckee.
6:55 PM.