cheryl just called and said marcus told his friend that she likes in the friend.
what the hell??0.o
and marcus is a dead man,according to
anyways,today we had aces day.which was boring cos we were standing at the back and couldnt see the red-shirt people.
but then after that the sec1 and 2s had the cross country running.
and im so proud of myself because i ran one round WITHOUT STOPPING.
eh for me thats very good ok.
then after that we did the cooling down exercises and yasir.then we shouted "YASIR VERY SEXY!"wahahaha.
he was singing along to What I've Done.and ms joey lim was looking at him like o.0
then at recess 2/5 was like cam-whoring.ah after recess also.:D
then teacher's day concert.was ok but went on too long la.
nisa baked cakes(brownies?) for the teachers!and i was begging her to let me have a taste since morning.tasted reaally nice.
was actually supposed to go back park view with liwei,but was trying to help nisa find miss sharifah.didnt really want to go back actually.sorry liwei pangseh you!!
went to whitesands to buy milo from KFC.saw this little kid sitting in the chair,then she shifted backwards until she fell off.and the guy sitting there didnt even lift a finger to help,just stared into space.wlao.
went to watsons and found nisa they all looking at make-up.silkygirl stuff is nice,maybe i'll get them when i have money(:
on the subject of money..
miss tso came and told me i had to pay the CG thingy in cash or cheque.$250.
one week holiday has started,better make use of whatever free time to FINISH MY HOMEWORK AND REVISE.
i got back my report slip today(SHIT,it become kiam cai in my bag already)and i got
27.7 for maths!GAAH.
must buck up.
10:21 PM.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
ohh i love my mum.
she came back from japan last night.
and gave me an
8 GB.
and i didn't even ask for it.
like omg thank you soo much mum.
i think she said IBM bought it or something.hmm.
i have absolutely nothing to blog about already so byee.
11:06 AM.

national day 2007 @ marina bay!!
i know it happened like 100 years ago already(:
school celebrations was super boring crap la.
that morning we minus marcus went for the CC celebration thingy.
then we recorded ourselves singing Beautiful Girl by Sean Kingston(:
then we did an accapella performance at the karaoke.but only cheryl could be heard because she was the only one holding the mike and me and vanessa were just singing back-up.
and then the 4 of us marcus,cheryl,amanda and vanessa plus uncle martin and auntyhilda went to NDP!!
and it was soo fun.
and we were on TV!!
marcus and cheryl got caught krumping!!so funny when we watched the encore telecast.
and me and vaness kept getting caught eating.-.-goodness.
quite a few people saw me,even my guitar teacher also saw me. its so fun to be on tv:DD
the bag this year is really nice,you can switch parts of the bag and mix and match colours.and marcus' bag was so nice that a guy took a photograph of it.he was those pro photographer types he even had the umbrella thing for teh lighting.
and the electric fan is also really nice!

it has words lighting up on it!
and the hats...

so cute right!there are other animals apart from the lion(:

on the way back we kept singing HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL KARAOKE.uncle martin and auntyhilda very poor thing(:
the 4 of us spent the whole weekend together,from 9 august to 12august! so cool right:DD
went to cheryl's house to "play" on friday.went jogging and met with catherine at a so-called exercise corner.
then we went back and swam!we started singing again.
after that we sat on the stairs and chatted while shivering(it was cold) until bout 8+.
after that went to play pool.marcus was the only one who knew how to play properly.
and we bought ALOT of snacks to eat.and aunty candy gave us magnums somemore.felt like such gluttons.
saturday went for national day dinner at macpherson cc.

and finally on sunday gathered at my house to watch ndp encore(:
and now it is super late and i need to sleep.
12:25 AM.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
i need a new skin.
havent been uodating blog.
anyways i got harry potter a while ago,finished it already.
the ending was kind of 'anti-climax' for me.
but harry potter so rocks:DDD
i am so sad that its over...
lazy to blog bout the sp tour.
joan's blog
read it(:
opening theme to Ouran High School Host Club which i just finished!

really nice show.
and i want to watch the simpsons and rush hour 3.bahh.
7:39 PM.