its amazing how fast time can fly.
at first it feels like its crawling so slowly, but you blink and POOF, its the holidays already!
got back report book on friday, and i passed science even when the exam paper says i failed! yay. only failed maths and DnT.
now im trying to decide between choosing express 1 and 2. ms chiam thought express 2 is better. have to decide quick, tomorrow have to return report book already.
went out to watch The Seeker on friday.
alexander ludwig is sooooo

hmm donno what else to blog about.
tag replies:
peggy: i know, i agree(:
joan: hehe,he's cute yeah.
doreen: helloo. i found cookie monster too(:
7:58 PM.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
today is THURSDAYYYY!!*singsong tone*
tomorrow is the LAST DAYY OF SCHOOOL!!*singsongtone again*
twofive's gonna separate too, gonna miss them.
9:52 PM.
its the
and i didnt update about my results so just for the sake of something to blog about.
failed maths.(damn):40 and a half?
failed physics. errrrrrr:45+?? cant remember lol. no surprise there i hardly studied.
english. i passed Duhhh. but i dont like michelle cos she always gets higher than me(: haaaa. i need to improve laaa. im not satisfied.
chinese passed!!ehm i got about 53+ or something.its around the 50s.
ohoh i passed historyy!!i got 48 over 80! i was really prepared to fail but i passed! and its not bad somemore!
mmm home economics.62! over 100! another subject i expected to fail.
literature. also around the 60s.
didnt get back art cos mdm lina forgot to bring):
today we were supposed to have interclass competition but because it was raining and there was O' levels in the hall it was cancelled. it was changed to games of Scrabble and Boggle.and nisa and i played Scrabble. and lost to 2/7. ah well.
after recess we went to the auditorium for a talk. the first speaker was miss prima? if i remember her name right. she talked to us about how you could do loads of stuff during the holidays and stuff like that, then she introduced another guy MR hamza, and he's so COOL. he talked about doing stuff that you want to do and not missing opportunities and stuff like that. and he can do a split. he walked up to the stage and just started dancing then finished off with a split. he told us the first dance he fell in love with was BALLET.:DD
after school i bought my HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2 SOUNDTRACK. now i can save for other stuff and buy during the hols. i almost forgot i wanted skinnies too(:
i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to watch resident evil, but its NC16-.-
ok holidays, come quickquick.x)
7:05 PM.
and he's worth $100,000,000.
should i got out tomorrow?
2:55 PM.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
omg its OVERRR.
the exams are OVERRRRR!!!!
i couldn't finish outlining!!!
but im quite happy lah, cos mrs ho said i draw well.
i was just drawing,and then i can feel mrs ho standing beside me looking.
then she comes and says:"you draw quite well."
so unexpected.
and yayness.
tomorrow and monday
no school!!!
and i can get my phone back on tuesday.
i wanna go out and go SHOPPING.
1:20 PM.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
literature today was...ok?
except that ive already lost 11 marks.
because of the stupid poem.
i could only answer the first question for that section.
then i looked up at the clock and already there wasnt enough time for me to think about the answers.
so i quickly went on to the next section.
and finished just about a few minutes before time up.
i think i'll pass, but i wont get an A.):
then today on the bus saw zixiang,lijuan,joelle plus somemore people.
were going to pearl's house?
then i reached my house at about the same time they reached pearl's.
so lijuan,michelle,joelle and pearl came and said hi(:
then they saw my house and said it was nice:D and im rich.
ok la anybody with eyes can see that my house is quite nice.haha thank youu. xDD
but im not rich la, really.
i also brought out leo. he is damn cute right i know:DD

like bear lor omg<3
one of his more earlier pictures.
hmm now..

alright got to study home econs.
8:33 PM.
double post.
its bloody rubbish below, ignore it.
seems kiiind of emo-ish.LOL.
its 11+ and im quick post la.
literature tomorrow!
read through my whole file already, think i'll be ok.
since most(or all) of our lit tests throughout this year required proper studying so we can actually score, think i'll be fine, since most of it is just sleeping in my head.
just need to wake it up(:
today after exam it was raining.
was waiting at the foyer for people.
aircon comes along and we start communicating in gibberish.lmao.
as usual weiqi was the only one who had an umbrella.
then yanting shared with xueli while me+shih eng shed with weiqi.
then shih eng ran off to her bus stop while me and weiqi continue to whitesands.
bought ben and jerry's.was in bad mood. if i had more money would have bought waffle cone.
my ezlink had no more money, so i had JUST enough to get on the bus.
then miss gay came over again today and laughed like a siao zhar bor.xD
then she played with my hair and made me cam-whore.
she wouldn't let me upload it here, so i'll have to wait for her to post it on her blog.
2 more papers not including lit.
SOON we'll be free.
11:11 PM.
"i want to kill/strangle myself with my flexible ruler."
that was what i was thinking and said after maths paper 2.
i don't know what's gonna happen,and i dont really want to know.
but whatever amanda, you're just talking rubbish.
and physics?
should have spent more time on that instead of maths.
but whateverrrrrr yeahh.
my non-existent readers, ignore the above.
today i broke renee's file by accident):
im so sorry:x
literature tomorrow!
4:05 PM.
i dont care about history anymore.
for maths.
i already got a careless mistake on the first question!
i think i got my quadratic graph wrong!
i didnt do the question on probability AT ALL because i forgot to study it and therefore had no idea how to do it!!
whether i pass or fail,only God and the marker knows.
at least i have the whole weekend to study.
maths AND physics on monday ehh.
want us to DIE is it??
i cannot fail maths.i CANNOT.
alrighty buhh byee.
8:46 PM.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
chinese paper 2 and listening compre today!!
and it was surprisingly easier than expected.
after school went to weiqi's house with shimin to study.
shimin is damn blur can?i seriously think shes got a screw loose in there somewhere.
laughed like siao kukus.:D
weiqi was nice enough to let me take back her maths assesment book to revise.
but guess what?
there HISTORY tomorrow too.
and i havent studied shit.
im dead.
i'll make sure i read my notes tonight i swear.
and miss gay tagged me to do this i'll finish it fast and try to salvage my history situation.(x
List out your Top 5 Birthday Presents Which You Wish For:
2. High School Musical 2 DvD.
3. High School Musical 2 Soundtrack.(im saving to buy,wahaha)
4. New bag(s):D
5. My old phone.(or the same model.or a new onexD)
Answer the following questions:
1. The person who tagged u was:
miss janice gay.
2. Your relationship with him/her is?
my gay neighbour:DD
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
completely crazy,very gay,member of the laughter club,gay and er, gay(:
4. Most memorable thing he/she has done for you?
hmm. dunno. made me laugh like a siao zhar bo?
5. Most memorable words he/she has said to you?
i cant remember!!gahh!
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
vomit blood.and vomit somemore blood.
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on?
she's gayHAPPY,not gayHOMO.
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
go emo and vomit blood.
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, what would the reason be?
10. The thing you desire to do most for him/her would be?
to control her laughter.i'll get a heart attack one day if she continues like this.
11. Overall impression of him/her?
12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
a total weirdo who can get high at any random moment(:
13. A character trait you love about yourself?
that people can laugh at some stuff i do:D
14. A character trait you hate about yourself? kinda quiet?
15. Person you want to be?
dunno yet.
16. Say something to the people who care for you!
i love you people(:
17. Pass this quiz to 10 people to know what they feel about you.
1. nisa
2. shimin
3. weiqi
4. yanting
5. miss gay
6. jolene
7. wanning
8. cheryl
9. joan
10. meiyen
(only half the people on this list have blogs LOL)
Who is #6 having a relationship with?
jolene - none that i know of(:
Is #9 a male or female?
female. (i just realised all the people on the list are female.o.0)
If #7 and #10 are together, will it be a good thing?
ha they dont even know each other.
How about #8 and #5?
What is #2 studying about?
uhh,maths?tomorrow maths exam.
When was the last you talked to #3?
i was at her house studying today.
What kind of music does #8 like?
cheryl..whatever sounds good i guess.
Does #1 have any siblings?
yep 2 brothers.
Will you woo #3?
im her MOTHER!!
How about #7?
HA shes just my good friend.
Is #4 single?
lol yeah.
What's #5's surname?
GAY(im serious(: )
How about #10's?
What is #4's hobby?
umm..playing erhu?
Do #5 and #9 get along?
they dont know each other.
Where does #2 study at?
Say something casual about #1?
she's the first good malay friend i ever had(:
Have you tried developing feelings about #8?
HAH ive known her FOREVER.
Where does #9 live?
somewhere in singapore.
Are #5 and 1# best friends?
they dont know each other!
Does #7 like #2?
they're classmates(:
How did you get to know #2?
we're both in 2/5(:
Does #1 have any pets?
Is #7 the sexiest person in the world?
sexaye wanning:D
okk then.
amanda has to go studyy.
buh byee.
7:48 PM.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
i am damn pissed can.
but talk about that later.
so today we had english paper 2.
it was so-so...not that difficult,but not easy.
summaries are horrible.i overshot the word limit to like,200+?
then when i cut away some stuff i only got to 190+?
and the damned word limit is 150.
then after recess we had to take another paper from the MOE?
and i think it was quite,um, difficult for some people.
and i was so proud of myself cos i didnt leave any blanks.and for the compre part,its like one half of me thinks i wrote too much,another half thinks i wrote too little.
and im so mean cos i felt like laughing at people who left blanks.:x
im so sorry.):
why am i so pissed?
cos my phone got confiscated yesterday.
and ms chiam refuses to give it back.
i was at the foyer yesterday.
and i already had about 4 missed calls from miss janice gay.
and she called again,so since we were walking out already i decided to quickly answer it.
and mdm heng wei shan sees and calls me over and takes my phone.
"you know phones are not allowed...should be switched're still in school...blah blah blahh.."
well fuck you.
so today after school went to claim from ms chiam.(i nearly forgot,o.0)and she says nope she cant give it back.she has to hold it for
2 weeks?????!!!!! if i didnt hear wrongly.
it was just a fricking phone call!school hours had already fricking ended!
somemore i was already LEAVING the damn school.
thanks ALOT la,for stealing my alarm clock and phonebook from me.
stupid bitch.
like OMG.
everybody's going crazy over SETS and VENN DIAGRAMS.
why am i not???
o god...friday maths paper 1 alreadyy!!!
wtf am i doing here??
i have to study la!
6:52 PM.