Wednesday, November 28, 2007
hey yo.
had class gathering on monday.
they went to sentosa in the morning, but i didn't go.
didn't feel like it laa.
went to school with dad to buy books instead.
i am soo happy that im taking core lit. xD
To Kill A Mockingbird is a pretty good book. haven't finished it yet tho.
i went to see the appeal results and got quite a pleasant surprise. and a not so pleasant one. damn my stupid feelings.yinghui came over at bout 3+ maybe?
watched youtube.
and i went crazy over this.
IT STARTED WITH A KISS 2!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHH!!!ok relax amanda.
its a nice show la.
coming out in december-ish.
and i have decided that i will buy the vcd/dvd, whichever.
anyways back to BBQ.
decided to go around 6?
i wanted to ride my wetzer and let yinghui take the bike.
but the seat was like super high.
then she didnt want to use it.
so after much persuasion and many attempts she finally managed to ride it.
at the bbq just ate and cycled and stuffs.
yasir and the others came late. ms chiam didnt come at all.
everybody decided that ms chiam forgot about it and was avoiding our calls. lol.
sang b-day song for yasir. and then started shouting HUG HUG HUG! at him and shadirah.
at first like dont want, then shadirah said ok ok and went to hug him.:D
then we said why is it always shadirah make the first move.
then yasir said okok come come, and the hugged again.
haha, they're so sweet(:
after it ended the others walked to downtown.
then pearl and i walked wanning and jiali to the bus stop.
yinghui donno go where.
pearl helped me take my bike back home.
think we're having another one in december? hope so(:
im like bored and im feeling FAT again. going out with meiyen tomorrow i think.
k byeee.
5:05 PM.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
i just realised i have already posted
200 posts!
went out with yingming and her sister yesterday to watch bee movie.
quite nice, but Stardust is better(:
now i want to watch The Game Plan and Enchanted.
but i need a break, or im gonna get sick of popcorn soon:x
went to the arcade at century.
used up A LOT of money on House of The Dead(4). hehheh.
we kept shouting like what.
me:"shoot!!shoot the thing!!!!"
xuan yi(ym's sis):"SHOOOOT!!SHOOOT IT!!"
yingming(to xy):"SHUT UPP!!!"
was pretty noisy in there, so nobody stared or anything.
oh, and i tried the parapara machine at tm for the first time!!
felt damn paiseh, didnt dare to stretch out my arms. in the end i just stopped moving.xD
might try again, if anyone is willing to try with me.hheheh.
today, i discovered a bug on leo's fur!
was so shocked i went :" Evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(maid)! there's something in his fur!!!"
and it wasn't one, but two bugs!!
she plucked them out and squashed them.
hey dont think leo is a dirty dog ok. he's usually VERY clean. i just love the smell of his fur:DD

6:35 PM.
Friday, November 16, 2007

stayed over at cheryl's house again on wednesday night.
helped her do her blogskin.
went out with shih eng, shi min, weiqi and yanting today. miss shih eng's birthday treat!
i had a dental appointment today, so after we took neoprints at ws i had to rush off. met up with them at tm at 3+.
its freakin nice(:
go watch it. it's nice.
i need to taper my skinnies. they're like one size too big-.-
8:23 PM.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
streaming results came out today.
i got into express 1/class 3/9! which happens to be my first choice. also got all the subjects i picked(elective geog, core lit and POA).
shimin's in the same class as me, and she's taking A Maths.
weiqi, yanting, shih eng, and nisa are all in 3/7! you know those smart, hardworking people? yeahh.
the thought: 'im going into class 3/9' makes me feel a bit funny. i got used to the number 5(from 1/5 to 2/5 to 3/9!) and the number 9 seems so far removed from that.
and im just that teeny bit disappointed over a reason so stupid even i can't stand it. what an ass i am:\my goodness im gonna be SEC3!! woww.
yep anyways.
went out with meiyen yesterday to bugis. was actually intending to watch a movie AND shop, but then decided to watch the movie on saturday and devote our time to shopping. went to topshop and almost fainted. jeans cost a friggin $115. or was it more than that? might bring my mother to topshop to see if she can buy anything if we're out together. xD
happy cos i FINALLY bought my skinny jeans and a t-shirt. the skinnies actually cost $30 but the nice auntie sold it to me for $28, without me asking. thanks!
i had to dig out my own savings since my parents weren't home that day. i didnt ask for any money but my mum gave me 50 bucks today. hehhehh thanks mum!
Y holidays do get less boring when you go out. yayy(:should i go out on friday? i'd feel guilty if i pangseh-ed, but i dont feel like going at the same time. wahhgxssixxzz.
8:12 PM.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
i didn't go for cathecism today!
i overslept and looking at the clock, i thought, by the time i get there it would be time to turn around and go home.
actually, i wasn't even sure if there was class today.
met up with vanessa at tampinese mrt. we took the bus to Giant and bought some stuff, including popcorn. had lunch/brunch there.
went to ikea cos she wanted to buy fish roe/caviar?
then went back home/to her house.
used the computer and ate popcorn(yumm).
cheryl came back home at night.
we popped some more popcorn and watched devil wears prada and lovewrecked. halfway through lovewrecked vanessa went to go sleep.
jonathan bennett is HOT, right cheryl riight?:D
i tried to paint my nails black but it was kind of messy, so i removed it.
then i tried again. but i didnt finish it. so now i have 2 black pinkies.
it looks weirdish.hehheh.
have to go for guitar class later. lalalaaaa.
ok buhbyee.
3:49 PM.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
im back!from cheryl's house.
ok i'll blog about that later cos im kind of sleepy right now.
i slept at
6am this morning!
and woke up at 12+? which is like 6hours worth of sleep. so yep, feeling sleeepyy.
will update later after i have a nap.
4:30 PM.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
after 1 hour+ of hard work...
WOOWEE!! new skin!!
and it was edited by me me me me me me me me me!!
yayy!(of course i did credit the original maker.)
i think its not bad if i do say so myself(:
andand. im going out on mondayy!! finallyy! with my dearest long lost best friend meiyen.
felt like camwhoring but the camera is with my parents. and theres no point camwhoring with my phone cos the memory is fool(yes, FOOL) and i can't connect it to the computer anyways.
hah but i feel quite happy with myself. i managed to edit a pretty nice skin(:
ok im gonna sleep soon.
buhh byee.
1:50 AM.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
recently i feel so out of touch with english songs.
or maybe thats the wrong way to phrase it. let's try again.
recently, i have been listening to MORE chinese songs. yeah, abit
ok what the hell. so random.
i learned how to play Your Call - Secondhand Serenade.
love that song.
not such a BIG achievement la, cos its a pretty easy song to play.
i wanna go out and SHOP.
i wanna buy SKINNIES. they seriously look damn nice. and i think my wardrobe is damn pathetic.
i have
GOT TO drag my mum out to go shopping with me. URGH.
ohoh i want that new walkman phone. the
my phone is useless la. i cant even charge it properly.grr.*pokes phone*
somebody go out with me. or help me find a part-time job. its boring cooped up at home. bleh.
2:44 PM.
Friday, November 02, 2007
i feel like a piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig.
because i can't stop eating CHOCOLATE.
and im supposed to be sick. but im recovering.
i feel like a SLOTH or something.
i need to exercise.
today my dog came back from grooming and he has turned into something UNRECOGNISIBLE.
he used to be really fluffy with thick fur right.
now he's super skinny because his hair has been shaved away.
what the hell was my sister thinking. he looks damn weird.
and my mum said he's so 'unglam'.haha.
i feel like watching Bee movie and Stardust. andandand the ending part of The Seeker, where will defeats the Dark. haha.
because im bored-ish, i shall do a quiz taken from cheryl's blog(:
Q: Had feelings for someone who didn'thave them back?
- yeah.
Q: Been arrested?
- lol no.
Q: Kissed someone you didn't like?
- no.
Q: Slept in until 5 PM?
- hmm. nope.
Q: Held a snake?
- oh yeah.
Q: Been suspended from school?
- nahh im a good girl(:
Q: Sang karaoke?
- yep
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
- yeah.
Q: Laughed until you started crying?
- hoho yes.
Q: Kissed in the rain?
- no.
Q: Sang in the shower?
- i hummed in shower(:
Q: Sat on a roof top?
- yup right outside my window(:
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
- no. wouldn't mind trying(:
Q: Broken a bone?
Q: Shaved your head?
- never.
Q: Played a prank on someone?
- duh.
Q: Felt like killing someone?
Q: Cried over someone you loved?
- you could say that.
Q: Shot a gun?
- maybe a toy gun.
Q: Donated Blood?
- nope. dont think i'd have the nerve to either(:
Q: Still love someone you shouldn't?
- nah.
1. text message say?>> eh, so-and-so here, this will be my new phone no. etc.
2.Person you hung out with?>> jolene and miss gay, in my house. haven't gone out this week except for the doctor, hehheh.
3. Rode in a car with?>> dad? yeah should be dad.
4. Went to the movies with?>> cheryl,catherine, marcus and jonathan.
5. Went to the mall with?>> cheryl,catherine, marcus and jonathan on the same day.
6. You talked on the phone with?>> cheryl(:
7. Made you laugh?>> er. either a phone conversation or some stupid website.
8. Last person you told and/or theytold you they loved you?>> nobody.
W O U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R.
1. pierce your nose or tongue?>> nose.
2. Be serious or be funny?>> funny.
3. Drink whole or skim milk?>> tell me the difference?
4. Die in a fire or get shot?>> get shot and die on the spot.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?>> parents duhh.
A N S W E R . T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you love anyone?>> what a smart question.
2. Sun or moon?>> sun.
3. Winter or Autumn?>> winter, beautiful snow!
4. left or right?>> right.
5. 10 acquaintances or two bestfriends?>> two best friends.
6. Sunny or rainy?>> depends on my mood.
A B O U T . Y O U
1. Age: 14+
2. First name?>> amanda
3. Where do you live?>> pasir ris.
4. How many kids do you WANT?>> i think 3 at most.
5. Do you want to get married?>> yep.
6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cutit?>> twirl.
7. Have you ever eaten spam?>> ehh. dont think so.
8. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?>> 1.
10. Do you cook?>> bake would be a better word(:
11. Current mood?>> neutral.
I N . T H E . L A S T .48 H O U R S . H A V E . Y O U.
. Kissed some one?>> Leo.(thats my dog you fools xp)
2. Been hugged?>> nope.
3. Felt stupid?>> a bit.
4. Missed someone?>> not really.
5. Danced Crazy?>> i tried and failed(:
6. Gotten your hair cut?>> nope.
7. Cried?>> nope.
S T U F F .
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?>> no.
2. Do you have a Dog?>> LEO, may your fur grow out fast!!
3. Would you rather sleep with someoneelse, or alone?>> sleeping with my friends is FUN.
4. Do you believe in ghosts?>> good question.
5. Do you consider yourself creative?>> i think i have my moments(:
oh i just remembered.
there's this site called
Anti-Ahlian. you can guess its purpose from the title.
and then a site has been set up called the
ANTI Anti-Ahlian.
right now i have nothing to say, so go see for yourself.
all i CAN say, is that at least the "ANTI anti-ahlians" aren't typing in twit.
ok im done here.
buh byeeee.
9:44 PM.