Friday, February 29, 2008
Faber Drive - Tongue-Tiedomg la.
it feels really weird when you're starving but are too tired to eat and you have to force yourself to eat even though you're HUNGRY.
now im STILL feeling hungry,even though i just had dinner, but i dont feel like eating. my mouth is tired. blehh.
today we had a technical speech day rehearsal at 3.
and it was pretty much a waste of time because we had to hang around for like 2 hours+ then went to the hall, and all we did was stand and sit-.-
the cheerleading competition is next tuesday!
and the track and field meet is next thursday!
i look forward to the holidays.
i want milo 0.o
oh yeah.
P.S. Happy Leap Day!:D
7:51 PM.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
"It is sad when a student who is not clear about what to do just keeps quiet and do the wrong thing."
Whatever Bitch.
you suck as a teacher and trying to indirectly insult your students doesnt make you any better.
if you wanna scold us then do it to our face.
maybe you're not a bad teacher, but your attitude is terrible.
nobody likes a teacher who looks ancient but acts like some immature bitch.
i used to LOVE english.
now i dont.
i dont hate it, but i dont LOVE it anymore.
and my english grade seems to be free-falling.
and its probably my own fault and im really disappointed with myself.
i miss mrs vicky koh.
she made english FUN.
i hope the old bitch doesnt stay this way forever or we're gonna have to put up with her for 2 FUCKING years. Bleh.
OMG. O'Levels. kill me.
10:03 PM.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i am in love with Matsuyama Kenichi.

i swear to God.
i am so watching L again(i watched on monday with shimin:DDDDDDDD)
and i am like trigger happy about it.
and im so buying the dvd when its out.
yesterday i kept telling people:
"I Miss L..!"
"I Want To Hug Him!!"
"He's Very/Damn/Bloody Cuuteee!!"
"Fuck La!"(more to myself when i was emo-ing about missing him)
im still in crazy fangirl mode yeah.
his face has replaced leo as my phone wallpaper. xD
ohmyy.i want him for my birthday la.(hinthint)
but if that's too difficult just get me some L stuff(:
aint this cute?
alrighty byee.
my boyfriend la.
10:57 PM.
Friday, February 22, 2008
"she's talking bullshit!" - my sister(:
ahh mee.
today was a lethargic day la.
i was ok in english.
then i started falling asleep in chemistry.
completely ignored physics.
no offence, but i have no idea what miss siew is talking about.
and it's not cos im not paying attention either.:\
alrighty byee.
9:30 PM.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
i bloody HATE moodswings.
they make you feel fucked up for no BLOODY reason.
so you decide to get some ben&jerry's cos ice-cream/chocolate usually makes you feel better.
then you remember the money that you spent and the fats you'll probably gain and you start feeling like shit again. not as shitty as before the ice-cream but STILL shitty.
please treat the above as a day of experiencing unreasonable teenage angst.
i dont even have the heart to type a sarcastic smiley D:
6:33 PM.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Soulja Boy Crank That Accoustic Cover.
So cute luh, hahah!:D
i dont like the original D:but i know the dance(:
7:43 PM.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Send My Love To The Dancefloor, I'll See You In Hell(Hey Mister DJ) - Cobra StarshipANY BODY HAVE THIS SONG?? I WANT IT SO BADDDDDXXZZZCZ!!!!!
my gosh.
and patrick looks so funny in the video(:
i bought Marley and Me!
its been a pretty good book so far, i finished chapter 2 today.(or was it 3..?)
tomorrow's CNY celebrations!
soon i can collect hong pao!! $$$$$$$$woo!
nothing to blog about la.
just wanted to fill in the space.(what space!?)
yeahh siao ding dong.
ooh i know how bout a list of movies i wanna watch?
(not in order)
2.L Change The World(AHHHHHH*screaming fangirl*)
3.KungFu Dunk
4.Sweeney Todd(M18 D: )
i think i'll go now.
10:50 PM.