hahhah i just remembered how weirdly cute this video is.
im officially 15(yesterday)!
after church on friday, went to vivo with shimin and aaron.
i played his psp until the battery went flat.(i love grand theft auto. its so fun to steal cars.)
he bought me a rubik's cube for my b-day present. thank youu.
and he himself had a 5x5 one.mine was 3x3.
we went to candy empire and he "treated" us to sweets and chocolate. shimin and i paid $1 each(:
i took it home, but now it has mysteriously disappeared.
we went up to the sky park. sadly the pool thingy was off limits.
so we sat there attempting to take nice pictures:D
when we went back to whitesands was bout 10pm already.
mum called when i was waiting for the bus so parents decided to come fetch me(:
the next day!
went to marcus' house to celebrate the birthdays of the 3 babes(:
chocolate cheesecake.
im gonna do my ic tomorrow.
im gonna get the pink card and im cooler than all of you!
haha kidding.
i dont know what to do now.
i should just get off the com and go sleep.
schooooool tomorrow.
ps. thannks for all the birthday wishes!!!
11:43 PM.
tomorrow's Good Friday!!
thank you wanning, weiqi yanting shiheng yuan xiu and wei min for the early b-day presents!
thanks all of you for the early birthday wishes!
joan i promise the bear's fur wont go near you again!(:
maybe i'll go out tomorrow!
ok i gotta go now!
10:54 PM.
i have to put this in a separate post.
RANDOM yet not exactly RANDOM THOUGHT:either ignore or read on according to your curiosity level, thank you(:
i have been thinking about this for the past few minutes(actually no, i dont think so. about the few minutes part i mean. its less than that.)
and i have definitely got it.
what i need, is a
the blood-related, same parents, grow up in the same house kind.(DUH)
he's gotta be older, of course.
yeah, you can see that i always wanted a big brother:D
sensefess rambling.[senseless and sensefull(makes sense)but is more senseless(i told you i was rambling)]
sharada, sharada(:
7:28 PM.
im still alivee! haha.
we didnt pass up ANY holiday homework today.
so i finished maths and social studies after school.
i wanted to go to macs to get a burger.
but mr sam and mdm chng were in the shop/restaurant at the entrance.
and she looked at us with narrowed eyes. haha.
sneaked in through macs' side entrance.:D
was so unlucky during recess assembly.
got ordered to go on stage by mr ong for talking-.-
and another sec4 girl.
like we were the only ones talking. rawr!
"you are the ambassodors(sp?) for non-talking. must remind your friends not to talk. if they talk, its your fault."
didnt get detention.
ms shariffa didnt come today):
and i thought the relief teacher's make-up was kind of...uneven.
im not sure if she put on too much eye shadow, or too little foundation.
either way, didnt suit her skin tone.lol.
i still got homework to finish.
both old and new,
fresh and stale...what??
i have NO idea how to do physics. seriously.
lit makes me feel smart.:D
6:51 PM.
school reopening tomorrow.
and im here telling my imaginery blog readers that i havent finished the homework(surprise, surprise.) D:
aaaaaaaand i have a lit test tomorrow.
like shiiiiiiiiite.
lenten vigil thingy was not bad.
we washed each other's feet(:
i was soo impatient during the sedar meal.
"hurry uuuppp, i want to eeaaat."
boiled potatoes with salt are pretty good(:
and 6.30am mass is soo QUIET.
no choir, no band.
but then what do you expect early in the morning right.
everybody was falling asleep except me(: i managed to keep awake.
reached home went straight to bed. ahh i love my bed(:
ohmy goshgoshgosh.
i need to finish my homework!!!
i am SO dead.
k bye.
10:49 PM.
went for cg today.
actually wanted to skip, so i could attempt to salvage my homework situation.
yeah i know today's only thursday, i still have friday and the weekend.
fyi, its 10.55pm right now and tomorrow i have a dental appointment PLUS lenten vigil.
i dont know if i'll be super tired but i most likely wont be able to finish everything by sunday.
i went for cg.
wasn't wasted(:
beginning had sectional.
then at 4 all the people involved in speech day went to the auditorium for combined.
we sounded SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than during the speech day rehearsals.
OMG that day SUCKED.
and we also played a bit of Matsuri.
obviously not playing the full original song lah.
but its a damn nice song.
im amazed if you dont find the song even SLIGHTLY familiar.
mr boo made us practise the HU! HA! parts.
like LOL. even those parts must count rhythm. haha.
walked around ws with weiqi and steph after cg.
i need to stop buying collon la.
makes me lose money and gain fats):
i cant believe im actually stuck on these people.GAWD they make me want to vomit blood.urgh.bah.
10:54 PM.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
went over to cheryl's house on monday.
they asked me to help set up a blogshop.
and "model" some clothes for them.
i have bloody big hips man, i tried on the L size jeans and could only zip them up at most, cannot button. tsk.
anyways, please support them! the clothes are pretty nice(:
(and yes, some of the tops are a bit translucent)
i seem to be busy this week eh.
tuesday: CG
thursday: CG
friday: dental appointment+lenten vigil.
saturday: back from lenten vigil.
but then not really.
omg i need to start on my homework.
time is flying by already.
ok bye.
12:03 PM.
Paperthin Hymn - Anberlinanybody have this song? Wo Yao.
oh yeah, and is my L header/banner/picture right up there big or small?
cos it looks small even though i keep refreshing.
tag mehh.
9:48 PM.
so HAPPYY todayyy.
and i didnt where my specs so everything looked blurry, but that's a good thing, cos i cannot see the audience and therefore i will not feel nervous(:
the adventurers performance like nothing much, mostly stunts. i was expecting more, haha. noffence:\
then mr lee announced there was a tie between adventurers and thinkers. so we had to perform a second time. it was better for the both of us second time around:D
we SO ROCK la, ahaha.
we're going to perform again on thursday(sports day)!yayy.
i'll be so sad when this is over.
i loved the way my hair looked la:DD
oh we went to macs to celebrate.
and we saw mr sam there.
this teacher/general office person(?) saw us and she called mr sam.
and they wanted our names.
and that is completely stupid because we weren't even wearing school uniform.
and mr sam said that's cheerleading uniform.
what bullshit is that, trying to flirt with us only.(NOT said by me, was observed by aidah and reuben who were hiding somewhere)
kartika and munirah were begging him not to give them detention because they have never been to detention before(:
so anyways we have to go find him tomorrow to 'explain'.
8:45 PM.