i got my pay todayy!!
$$$ that i EARNED man! EARNED hor, not REQUESTED from parents!
the money is MINE, all MINEEE.
the kids went to the playground today.
joan and i saw 2 kids smoking. not much younger than us. wasted luh, all i can say.
but hey, you want to destroy your own lungs, it ain't my business right?
2 hours of insanity.
where in the world do those kids get all that energy??
we nearly broke our arms carrying them up to that thingy where you grab the bar, hang on for your life and roll to the other side.
joan and i had some fun taking pics with the kids. shall post them when she sends them to me.
and i have finally discovered how to do the foreground sharp, background blur or vice versa effect, thanks to joan!
like that!

or that!
havent tried it yet, but i shall try it later.
still haven't shown report book to parents! die.
9:11 PM.
so i started work today.
and i now truely realise the hardship that teachers go through.
and that i really agree with others that $3.50 per hour is little(for this job anyway).
looking after/teaching small kids can really drain your energy.
thank goodness joan was there too.
"teacher teacher!"haha.
today reminded me that some kids are cute, while other kids can be
annoying as hell.
so anyways i have cg tomorrow and next tuesday -.- so that's 11 hours worth of running after kids im going to miss, not counting maybe one and a half hour on friday cos of my physics lesson?
after work(it feels so cool to say that, i went to work, after work:D) went straight to school. cheh, brought my uniform for nothing, nobody stopped me, plus other people wore home clothes too.
it seems we're going to have practically one full day of shopping, so YEAHH for that.
in fact there seems to be quite a few shopping trips(:
and it turns out my edusave seems to be pretty much drained dry.
i can only use $90 from edusave.
so i(i.e parents) will still have to pay $700.
bloody cg tomorrow until 6+.
when the damn hell are we gonna have combined??
i want to shop. Badly.
$$Moolah$$, come to me.
10:29 PM.
im on my sister's laptop now. don't tell her yeah?(:
anyways holidays have started!
got back report book on friday.
i got a freaking
C5 for english.
parents are gonna be shocked/mad etc.
i wish we could change english teacher. i think most of the class doesnt like her that much anyway. stupid.
i better get myself at least a B next time.
i got an F9 for math(no surprise there) and D7 for both combined science and elective humanities.
somebody has to save my math please. and i have to work on my geography and physics.
only one person passed combined physics.
what's the problem with the sec 3 batch this year??
so anyways.
so tomorrow i start work at Pro-Teach!(which took me damn bloody long to find)
thank you shi min and yinghui for searching with me yesterday.
and i have to go shanghai trip briefing in school at 7pm.
and my shift ends at 6.
i just did a whole lot of missions on grand theft auto then i got on a train and it just stuck at one point. so i had no coice but to reload my saved game. bloody wasted.
i want to go shopping and buy a shitload of new clothes:D
2:27 PM.
slow down my racing heart.
im hyperventilating inside. GAAHHHH.
i am now also incapable of comprehensible type speech.
hold on.
*deeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths*.
yes anyway.
mdm tham finally contacted me about the job.
she was scared by my ringtone. lol.
she only asked me to work for 2 weeks though?
but better than no work at all hahaa.
oh yeah.
and i have decided to go to shanghai.
and valerie's not in her room now!
so i shall go play Grand Theft Auto!
P.S. Robert Pattinson is the SEX.(the whole damn movie is bwahaha)
4:24 PM.
omg this song.
heidi hasnt stopped singing it yet. "soundtrack to my life" haha.
i listened to around 1 min worth before i couldn't stand it anymore.
Hi Ken!"
got back social studies: 15/30
somehow there was a miscalculation at first and i thought i got 18.
but no, my feelings were cheated-.-
aand POA!
i got 45/60 -> 75/100!
i didnt lose ALL my flying colours at least.
but its possible to score full marks.
i shall try to aim for that.
i know i have definitely failed physics.
only 2 people passed and they're from 3/1.
whole of 3/2 failed.
i hope i passed chem at least. gahhh.
my tv show beckons for my full attention.
6:56 PM.
i hate STARS.
i wish i could drop it.
i just realised photobucket has upgraded!
i can use it to edit photos!!
haha lol.
12:27 AM.
hey ya.
interesting reactions to my hair today(:
stephanie and joan think i look korean. nisa agreed.
aishah was so shocked haha. she thinks i look jap doll.
heidi kept singing the Barbie Girl song at me. you know the one that goes:
"i'm a barbie girl,
in a barbie world..."
got back some marks today.
i failed my maths like whooooooooooooooossh.
horrible man.
think i need tuition.
haiya. idiot.
got lit back too.
i didnt do as bad as i thought!
37/50 -> 74/100 -> A2!
1 more mark to A1-.-
ahh but good luh. its still an A!(twist)
ooh and i didnt do too bad for chinese!
41.5/70 for paper 2(:
aaand english.
compre and summary 30/50
yuanxiu got 31!
omg that reminds me. i have kitkat from her melted in my bag.whoops.
tomorrow we'll be getting back ss, chem and POA(my flying colours!!):)
oh yeah.
and the commitee(sp?) members for cg were FINALLY announced today.
and im the 3rd sectional leader of my section.
LOL. ha, im a commitee member.
i hate useless post-exam activities(next week)
road safety talks? hello, at our age, either we're already obeying traffic rules or we dont give a freaking damn.
at least one of the days we'll go to the discovery centre. get outta schoool.
i am addicted to Grand Theft Auto(III).
ive been doing the same bloody mission 1001 times and im still failing for reasons unknown to me.
stupid cops chasing me aint helping.
high hopes for my marks tomorrow.
shall post the photos for yx and sm's B-Day some other day.
11:45 PM.
quick post, then i gotta go shower cos i stink BO. lol.
went to whitesands today in the morning with shimin and we had breakfast at mac's.
i love McGriddles.
met weiqi later and we went back to elias mall to cut my hair.
its like completely different from what i had in mind.
i had a long phone convo with nisa just now and she said she liked my most recent hair.
like my last hairstyles were "emo emo" and then "im backk!yeahhh!" something like that. haha. wonder what she'll say when she sees my new hair?
shall post a pic when shi min sends them to me.
after that we went to tampines to pay their tuition fees.
we walked around tampines mall for awhile.
said hi to fiona at freshbox.
we hung out at the arcade but didnt play anything.
after that went home.
i am so looking forward to monday.
the day where i'll blow my savings on my 2 lovely friends:D
shower shower shower!!!
buh byee.
10:43 PM.
my exams are overr. for me la.
tomorrow's the Amaths paper.
but i dont take Amaths.
so i can sleep in:D wakaka.
exams suck ballsxczz laaaa.
bloody O'levels next year. brought forward. Sigh.
i want this song.
i think i accidently downloaded a virus while trying to find this song.(oops)
but so far nothing serious had happened.
just that there's a lot of irritating spyware pop-ups and occasional porno.(ew)
i hope the computer doesnt crash and all my AGAIN.
damn irritating.
i hope we go to japan again.
then maybe i can find the album and get my parents to buy it for me(:
chatmonchy is a pretty good band.
though because its bought from japan everything will be in japanese and i cant read it, its ok.
one day i shall learn how to speak and read japanese and when i watch japanese shows i dont need subtitles anymore.
i love hana kimi man. and i mean the japanese one, not the taiwan one.
compared to the japanese one, the taiwan version of the show is actually quite shitty(:
yup random.
going bowling on monday to celebrate yuan xiu and shi min's birthday(:
must remember to bring camera.
i need photooooooos!
i hope i dont bowl too badly.
the last time i went like everything went into the longkang. wth?!
so yeah, i have to improve!
i think im gonna go broke.
i have to buy 2 b-day presents.
im going bowling and eating at swenson's.
i want to buy the They Kiss Again OST.(Zhi Shu version(green) or Xiang Qin version(pink)??)
aaand i want to watch Speed Racer(the graphics are damn bloody nice, plus i want to see/hear Rain speaking English(: Overall whole movie looks awesome.) and Made of Honour(It's a romantic comedy.plus McDreamy's in it. need i say more?)
my savings have decreased drastically from the money i spent on my twilight series plus the fact i haven't been saving a lot these days.
too bad my birthday is long over.
WHY do all the things i want appear only AFTER my birthday?! its infuriating.
ooh yeah holidays are coming riight!
so i want a holiday job!!
earn me some moolah!$$$$$
i should really SERIOUSLY ask around.
im not sure if im going anywhere during the hols.
must ask.
should end this post already.
funny thing: mid-years are over, but i dont feel any different.
like my spirits should be lifted up, but they're not.
i pity 3/7, they still have a bio lesson on marking day.
i feel like there's something important i gotta do on my free days, but i dont know WHAT.
damn weird empty feeling.
i need new clothes! new bag! new shoes! new haircut!
alrighty im really going now.
11:15 PM.