yesterday we had pe, so we had to take height and weight.
i grew like...0.4cm?
as for my weight, that bloody W word.
i gained around 1kg, give or take.
and the stupid thing is, it appears that i am eating MORE after i find out i've gained weight.
wah lao.
you know what.
hate it when girls are so skinny they can wear clothes with the waist size of a bamboo pole but still INSIST that they're fat and want to lose weight.
i have said this 1000 times and i'll say it again: "if YOU are fat then I am fcuking obese."
i feel like ranting about my weight but then it won't make me skinnier so i wont.
i want to lose at least 5 kg zzcxccscsxcso ANYWAYY.
miss jow asked me to do a presentation on shanghai since she's going to teach a lesson on shanghai and i went on the trip.
by monday?
doubt i'll have time.
and i got a blood blister.
hope that it heals by tuesday.
andand i think there's gonna be a war between band and cg(again?) soon. HAHA.
matsuri rocks, like the long-haired genius who composed it(:
2:37 PM.

third day of school.
a bit of improvement.
but im STILL dozing off.
i just slept during geography and only woke up to copy notes. thanks to eunice for waking me up, haha.
oh, did i mention that today was kind of HOT?
not helping the situation.
you would think a person would be sleepier towards the end of the day, but not me.
i wasn't WIDE awake but i was definitely more alert.
mr sufyan is back for chem, which is awesome.
and i realised 2 things.
1. mrs aziz talks like, a lot.
and she's funny.
but you know what long "speeches" can do to you, especially when you're feeling very blahh.
2. mr woo is a very amusing teacher.
it's like he's damn enthu(siastic) and very happy to impart his knowledge to us.
not that that's a bad thing, him being a trainee teacher and all.
but it's very amusing.
another long day tomorrow.
good luck to me.
8:48 PM.
if only there was someone there.i need to sleep earlier.
i felt like one lethargic piece of shit today.
actually, so did yesterday.
so anyways.
did you know?
mrs aziz is our new english teacher!
GOODBYEE mdm faridah!(hopefully forever):D
oh, and now 3/9 is split during emaths too.
mr fong is back, BUT.
he's only teaching the Amaths students.
us POA students will be taught by mr woo, who's a trainee teacher.
when mr fong announced the news, aishah was like: "DISCRIMINATION!"
anyways, mr woo seems okay la. first lesson today.
but he's being bullied by janine. HAHA.
i need to go do homework, then SLEEP.
or i'll feel like dying tomorrow.
i wish i had someone to love.
one-sided love is bad, but lonliness is even worse.
9:38 PM.

school has reopened.
it was awesome man.
lots of good experiences yeah.
i would totally have regretted NOT going.
oh, and i keep telling people:
i saw a small boy/toddler(s) pee right there on the street.
and there's a split in his pants so he can just do his business right there.
my mum tells me there's lots of them around in china. lol.
another obscene thing:
me and shih eng saw a guy bathing in a lake when we were on the bus looking out the window.
and he was 90% exposed.
my poor eyes. lol.
oh and my roommate and group got changed.
because this girl decided not to go last minute.
so i was grouped with june, yu wen and amanda leong(also my new roommate):D
China was fun man.
but now it's back to school. sigh.
i found out today that MJC's cutoff point is bout
and a poly business course would be bout
15 and below.
my L1R4 and L1R5 got
21 and 28 respectively for midyears.
*shakes head*
I HAVE TO WORK HARDERR! i doubt i will stick to that BUT I MUST! WORK HARDERRR!
ok, i gotta go finish my holiday homework which i should be passing up tomorrow.
who wants to bet i'll only finish half?(i got to have some faith in myself)
this song is going to be stuck in my head.
"all the girls standing in the line for the bathroom!"tata.
4:51 PM.

i think i spent most of my pay.
went out on monday with shimin to watch Made of Honour.
had to go to school first to pass up my report book.
luckily the guard let me in even though i wasnt wearing uniform.
i know im slow la, but anyway, the movie was AWESOME.
Patrick Dempsey:D
i brought her all over the place.
i wanted to go to peninsula to buy skinnies, and for some reason i thought it would be closer at raffles.
of course i was wrong.
so we went back to city hall and walked to peninsula.
my sense of direction huhh, was messed up. lol.
so i was deliberating between black or brown.
i originally wanted to buy brown.
then i ended up choosing black.
then we went to wisma atria and i headed straight for cotton on.
bought a shirt from there.
im not sure if its considered a boyfriend blouse0.o
after that we went to bugis and ate at pastamania.
i thought i could shop there for awhile before we went to meet DSB but looking at the time, nuh uh.
so we went back to orchard-.-
(ok, some confusion here. due to my messed up memory, the events may not be in chronological order.)
ok, im getting lazy to type now.
shopped around in cotton on.
after that we walked one huge round to get to wheelock place. shall not elaborate.
trained back to bugis.
i bought a mr funny shirt and shimin bought a little miss curious.
overall a pretty fun day:D
then i went out on wednesday with wongahsoh to watch kungfu panda.
everybody should totally watch it.
after the movie went to minitoons to buy souvenirs for the shanghai trip.
i bought a chocolate notebook and pencilcase.(the notebook's cover has fallen off-.- wasted my bloody $6)
went to peninsula.
i bought the brown skinnies after all.
mei yen bought black.
i finally found paramore's album at HMV.
and chatmonchy also.
save more money! buy cds!!
we went to eat a waffle dessert at newyork newyork and totally regreted it.
oh, i have found out who im rooming with in shanghai.
justina and viviany. both sec 2, same class somemore.
anyways. i hope they're nice people(:
when i went to pass up my lit file today ms shariffa said i lost weight:D
i dont know if that's true but, THANKS!
i hope it is, hehheh.
im going to shanghai in 2 days!(technically, it's 12.40am saturday morning)
and holiday homrework hardly touched.
hell yeahh.
12:08 AM.

this is my mini harry potter meng kai(ming kai??):DD
i forgot to take a picture with sammy!! ahh.
last day at pro-teach today.
so i brought my camera.
and joan and i had fun calling the kids to take PICTUREEESSS with us.
and she helped me realise that i need to explore with my camera A LOT MORE.
because it appears that it can do
quite a number of things.
kids can be complain kings and queens i suddenly realise.
"teacher!! So-and-so hit/kick/scratch mee!!"
but anyways.
i hope next week mdm tham will call me again.
the kids can be frustrating but its quite fun to interact with them. xp
i took 2 "artistic" photos lehhh.

i am so proud of myself. HAHA.
ok i gotta go.
10:01 PM.

oh fudge.
i feel very pissed off today for no reason.
i really shouldnt have slept at 2am. bloody magazine can read some other time dont want-.-
thought i was going to be late for physics this morning. luckily dad could send me.
felt like one high, emo, lethargic piece of shit.
ate lunch at kfc with shimin until 1.
then i sort of rushed home to change since i was late for work already.
i said i was reporting at 2, but reached at 2.45.
no biggie, just one hour less, $3.50 less pay.
i am so lucky i have joan's company there.
kept dozing off on the bus both to work and going back home.
and i missed one stop home and had to walk back.
again, no biggie, but i was pissed all the same.
i come home and confirm that mum went out.
and i want to pass it up tomorrow.
and i realised that i have quite a shitload of holiday homework.
and i only have one free week to finish it all.
ohh for fuck's sake.
fuck it all.
see what lack of sleep can do to your mood?
so what have we learnt today?
That amanda needs her beauty sleep, and she's an emo piece of shit without it.(nods head)
10:25 PM.