i was late today!
had to STAND in the foyer.
i had to bring so many things today, like my pe, chocolate syrup(yum btw) POA file, file... my bag was bloody heavy.
shimin went on the podium with eunice to talk about our ice-cream thing!
and i heard that her "Thank You!" sounded damn funny.
ahh i missed it.
my STARS group started our ice-cream business today!
and it was good! like, really good.
we were sold out by the beginning of upper-sec recess.
the lower-sec juniors are scary0.o
and i got to skip geog xD
i got
45/50 for my chem test!
i never thought i could do that well!
and yuanxiu got 49.5.
wonder where her half mark went??
this song is STUCK in my head.
lyrics, for the fun of it, in tv size:
It's so very easy
ii jiina riyuufor youth to forgive everything
issai yurusu jakuhaiI called in the rescue squad
resukyuutai mo yondeoitaSo please kiss me, please kiss me all night
dakara puriizu kisu mi puriizu kisu mi ALL NIGHTIs it a fallen angel's magic, or a mischievous monster's prank?
datenshi no mahou ka koakuma no chanchina itazuraBefore we get bored
tsumaranakunacchau mae niLet's let go
soore de houreOf that bowling ball. We lead such strange lives
bouringubooru ibutsu na sonzai daroYou've gotta understand
shouchi no sukeWe're gonna smash it...
kowaresoude...Cut through the inner turmoil
docchirakatta kanjou de kirihirake yoWe're gonna break...
kowaresou deI can't break it... our victory.
kowensensai bokura no shouriEdward: "Oops."i don't know why, but this just seems really amusing(:
and National Day is next week.
i wish i didn't feel this way. IT SUCKS. Gawd it sucks.
fcuk it):
i am SO Deprived.
10:24 PM.

Teaaa! im waiting for more pics okayyy!
I PRE-ORDERED BREAKING DAWN.with wongahsoh yesterday.
im am going to DEMAND it in hard cover.
i dont care(:
and i started reading Twilight again.
i wonder if i can finish all 3 books before Breaking Dawn comes out?
we shall see eh.
Twilight ROCKS you upside down and inside out, all around.
had to go to school at 7.30am for some survey thingy.
then after morning assembly we had to be arranged into seating arrangement for national day celebration-.-
bloody sun so hot, bloody teachers talktalktalk.
it ate into our pe time.
but we still had time to play volleyball. yay.
shimin bought a volleyball! lol.
we had a "leadership" thingy after school.
the guy ernest was damn funny.
and i found out that im "Charismatic".
am i?
i am going BROKE!!!
spending money like water.
and wensen is going for SINGfest, OMG.
i wanna go toooooo.
my um...thingy where my posts appear seems skinnier.
why is that?
9:48 PM.

yesterday was Racial Harmony Day!
but mdm fazilah was still being a bitch about attire-.-
and the assembly program was kind of boring.
and people were talking and talking.
and weiyi and yuanxiu got kicked out of the hall even when they weren't talking0.o
i had a sudden revelation that i want to wear a kimono next year(:
like Enma Ai's from jigoku shoujo.
but cosplay costumes are freaking exD:
elyse wore a kimono, and the skirt was so narrow she could hardly walk.
imagine how she would have looked like running.
i have to be in school by 7.30am on monday.
im waiting for rhd pics from joan and nisa.
but joan hasnt posted any pics and nisa left her camera with ms mahtani.
so i shall post them another day.
i might be pre-ordering Breaking Dawn with wongahsoh tomorrow.
help me pray that its available in hard cover.
i wanna go shower now.
and MAYBE do some homework.
but i have a slight headache.
oh well.
k byee.
8:20 PM.

the sky was reeaally pretty this morning.
young and miss vendetta on the radio were like the sky is gonna cryyy on this ominous looking morning.
it did(:
i mean, the sky really did look ominous, like there was going to be this giant typhoon coming or something.
but it just felt really nice to me. the wind was really shiok.
but it also looked damn pretty.
usually in the morning the sky has this blueish tinge to it.
this morning it was more..."bright". orange isnt the word for it.
and it was kind of cool, seeing the clouds racing over our heads(:
i should really try to do my english summary at least. i dont think mrs aziz will call my parents, since i think there are other people who owe ALOT more than me, but you never know.
do i have math tomorrow?
because if i do, that means i have math homework to do.
OMG and a poa test to study for.
exams are like, in september, according to ms tham.
and im sitting here blogging.
after blog-hopping and reading a few entries, im feeling really pensive right now.
i never realised that I Kissed A Girl would sound so... insulting(?) to lesbians.
9:29 PM.

i was about to type my msn password.
and a baby cockroach(sp?) crawled out from between the keys, scaring the fuck out of me.
so i said to my sister "there's a baby cockroach on the keyboard."
i think she told me to throw it away.
i went to get a tissue, then decided not to and went back to stare at the keyboard.
somehow the creature has disappeared.
so im alive.
ms ng talked to us about tattoos and piercings today.
i have forgotten why.
something about left ear hole on a guy or something.
then she asked if anybody had a tongue piercing.
so people were like,JANINE.
so she asked her how it felt and why she did it.
then about tattoos.
and she advised us girls that if we ever get a tattoo dont get it on the shoulder blade.
cos it would look nice now, when we're pretty young things, but it fades over time.
oh, and it doesn't look good in a wedding dress(:
experience from her friends.
i have thought about whether i want one.
i would put it at the area between my thumb and index finger on the back of my left(?) hand.
or maybe on my lower back.
IF i decide to get one. IF.
i dont think i will though.
i dont know why, these days homework seems to be just thrown aside.
like english. i cant be bothered to do because im not sure how to do them.
stupid attitude eh.
i need to stop sleeping at 12am+.
not only does it make me lethargic the next day,it can also give me eyebags, worsen my complexion, and make me FAT.
yes, FAT. i have learned that you can gain weight from lack of sleep.
that just sucks.
and i still have some physics that i need to finish up.
im probably going to fail my exams and go nowhere.
dammit amanda BUCK UP.
tag replies:
ALYSSA: kay relinked!
Tea: Teaaa! MY BEST FRIEEEND!haha.
11:33 PM.

so im on friendster.
i click on celeste chen's profile on a whim.
i scroll down to her comments.
and i see a gigantic picture of an erected penis.
with a Q-tip on it no less....
my brain memory is contaminated.
i apologise for any horrific mental images from reading that.
there was class photo-taking today.
i think im gonna look weird in the informal photos, my expression felt so weird to me when i thought about it. lol.
and im happy today.
FINALLY some things get done once and for ALL.
i left my phone with yinghui-.-
so i can only get it back tomorrow.
my alarm clock luhh.
im off to watch one episode of Gokusen 2.
then i gotta do homework.
suddenly i miss playing volleyball again.
the new red balls the school has are awesome.
not too hard but also not soft like those idiotic orange soft ones.
OMG it's 9.02pm already.
i gotta GO!
it feels better when you don't trouble yourself about things like that.
but there's still that little empty space inside that doesn't quite go away,
even when you don't think about it.
8:32 PM.

Koike Teppei.
nothing much today.
shi min came over again because there was no cca and we decided to do the poster for STARS.
i ended up making her watch Gokusen with me.
watch it. it's kind of drama(tic)(and old) but it's a nice show(:
i love Matsumoto Jun.
and Oguri Shun.
and Matsuyama Kenichi(He's only an extra in the show, but it was because of him i discovered it)
and i finally watched the first episode of Hana Yori Dango(Taiwan calls it Liu Xing Hua Yuan, aka Meteor Garden. Does F4 ring any bells?:D)
MatsuJun's hair is... not nice/weird/horrible/sucky(please cancel those that are non-applicable) in it.
Oguri Shun looks HOT! OMGG his HAIR! OMGG!
why am i gushing about japanese dramas?
1. They rock your socks:D
2. They RULE compared to their shitty taiwanese counterparts(Hana Kimi!!)
3. I have nothing else to blog about.
16 days,
23 hours and
49 more minutes to go.
Breaking Dawn QuoteAlice: "I'll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors."
Edward: "Why don't you just tell me who wins?"
Alice: "I do. Excellent."
3 words.
Twilight the Movie.
im crazy.
11:53 PM.
aiyo leo arhh.
why are you so scared of kenny mann.
barkbarkbark then run away.
i wonder what's going on in that furry little head of yours.FUCK!i have a physics test tomorrow!
i hate physics.
so today shimin and yinghui came over today.
and i asked shimin to help me do my physics worksheet.
and it's practically the same thing as me asking her to do my work for me.
yinghui actually introduced I Am Sam to me!
she actually introduced an english movie to me!
im shocked, when i think about it.
my sister passed me some clothes.
and i got really excited when i saw this nice dress.
i am FAT omg.
however i am taking steps to losing unnecessary weight.
small, baby steps.
im considering walking up and down the stairs multiple times.
i hear it helps.
i HATE physics.
seriously i HATE it.
it suck ballszzccxxz.
i must go soon to at least know what im being tested on.
and that bloody worksheet.
and i love volleyball.
10:34 PM.

omg man. i just went to stephanie's blog. and the pics she posted made me laugh like a siao kuku. the pics were already damn amusing. then she added captions which made them FUCKING HILARIOUS.

amanda: huhhhhh??
stephanie: heeeeee

stephanie: HIIII!!!!!!!!!
amanda: WHAT????? NOT HAPPY?

yeah those pics were from Crescendoooo!
it was awesome.
i did my own make-up, then some juniors also wanted me to help them with make-up.
and sharon was like, she's an expert in doing make-up!
she said it lol:D
i was trying to help them draw eyeliner.
they kept blinking and tearing! like a lot! so amazing.
then it got all smudged lol.
singing the school song was awesome man!
the first time i heard the school song sung with so much enthusiasm!
and someone led the coralites in the school cheer!
i saw dou sha bao sitting in the front row.
he looked like a piece of dying shit:D
ahh its already 1.56am.
i need to go to church tomorrow!(later this morning)
i shall continue later.
1:36 AM.

i was late AGAIN today.
the weather is on my side at least.
and my milo didnt go unnoticed. mdm yuslina saw it. so i stupidly went to throw it in the bin. then she said i cant throw it there because there's still some milo in it. so i had to take it out again-.-
my STARS project has been changed!!!
HELL yeahhhh.
we're gonna sell ice-cream! aint that fun.
shimin still had band after afternoon lessons today, wth.
you know, practice makes perfect but too much practice aint that good either.
band works too hard.
no offence(:
went to popular with jiali and yuanxiu after school.
yuanyuan bought Twilight while jiali bought New Moon.
i saw The Host! and there's a 20% discount if you pre-order Breaking Dawn there! which makes it like, $15+?(cue high pitched scream)
but that's for the paperback version. im not sure about hardback. i
would prefer hardback, its easier to mantain/protect.
and dont tell me to wrap my books. i dont like wrapping my books. im not sure why. maybe because it makes them seem all textbook-y or something.*shrug*
and i think im going to move house. my house is going to be sold!!!
i'll be moving to a condo!!
but that would be in 2011 or something.
i LOVE my house):
why do the newspaper reviews keep saying Mary had an affair with Hancock? they didnt!! Idiotic.
and youtube still hates me.

7:20 PM.

oh dream, please come true.
i was veeery nearly late for school today.
actually i would have been considered late if we had to sit in the parade square today(it rained? so we went back to class).
i pray for mr ___'s mum. he was really sad when he told us about it this morning. i hope she gets well soon.
mrs aziz made an announcement about Crescendo's dress code today:
No Jeans.
what the hell?
the guys were like, then wear what, boxers arh? LOL.
ms tham: They're scared you'll wear skinnies.
mrs aziz: Dont you have cotton trousers or something?
hello, we're TEENAGERS. jeans are like a main/basic necessity in our wardrobes.
and you can wear jeans EVERYWHERE. it just depends on what you pair them with.
(fashionadvice fashion advice!! whatever haha.)
oh and we saw mr boo's daughter today at CG. its like she was some movie star or something, people kept peeking at her.
omgg i have homework to do! lit essayyy!!!
and Crescendo's in 3 days!
and the students involved can totally skip lessons on friday!(cept for 8am-9am but still)
oh damn. that lesson is geography. and right after that is lit.
why timetable gods whyyy????
geography sucks. SCREW YOU.
okay i really gotta go now.
i want to express something, but i lose my train of thought.
9:24 PM.

happy youth day.
youths rock.
and today rocks because its a school holiday.
watched hancock with meiyen-wongahsoh and meiling today.
i love will smith
i love will smith
i love will smith
i love will smith
i love will smith
i love will smith
yeah. good movie. watch. now. go.
met shimin at whitesands after the movie and we went to my house to get our physics done. which we didnt, because we didnt know how the hell to do it.
after that we went to her house to get badminton rackets and met yuanxiu and jiali at the community centre to play badminton.
left at around 4.30-ish? continued playing at the area near loyang point or something until 6.30 or so with her brother.
i am so going to do this every weekend or something. i sweat a lot and i have to run around and stuff. i am on my way to losing weight!! haaaaa!
plus its healthy.
exercise you know exerciseee.
back to school tomorrow and i can't open the bloody timetable.
good eh-.-
8:57 PM.

i hate geography.
nah that's too strong. i dont like geography.
it was so much more interesting in sec 1 and 2.
wish i didnt have to take it.
unfortunately even if i went back in time i wouldnt choose elective history because i would FALL ASLEEP in class.
not that i dont do that in geog, but ya.
and i
don't likehate physics.
its stupid. stewpid. stoopid.
rather take bio. even if i get bio homework everyday.
omg im just complaining about subjects.
bah. nothing much today la.
and i think i have homework anyways.
and youtube hates me.

they keep showing this almost EVERY time i click on video.
i'm really a desperate attention whore.
i just don't show it.
11:05 PM.
i would love to sit atop a high place, look up at the sky with the wind blowing in my face, and just have some quiet time with NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to think about, to worry about, to have any doubts about. i wont even have that weird naggy feeling that likes to sneak up on me sometimes.i cant bloody attach my bloody powerpoint presentation to the bloody email so i can send it to ms jow.
and it's almout BLOODY 2am.
oh you know what, fuck it.
if i still cant send it later at 6+ i'll just use a bloody thumbdrive.
fuckingbloody homework not done yet.
once again, i have proved that lack of sleep is a bad, bad, BAD thing.
anyways, before i did the "presentation" heidi went:"Go Barbie!"
i can skip lessons after recess tomorrow! HAHA.
Crescendo is like, next week.
i feel so excited.
jealousy is a stupid emotion.
1:38 AM.