I AM ALIVE.i am also swamped by a stuff, which is why i have no time to blog.but im alive.
september holidays start next week.
and there's no CG!!!
i love Kimi Wa Petto, and Matsumoto Jun rocks my socks(:
To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favourite books, i suddenly just discovered.haah.
8:28 PM.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
i was watching the olympics swimming today.
Men's 100m Butterfly Heats??
the US participants' performance was, well, lousy.
Michael Phelps was still the best.
its like he's their saviour or something(:
and everybody's crazy about him.xD
i can't wait for the weekend.
i gotta go do homework now.
i need to sleep earlier-.-
10:39 PM.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Life sucks,
and then you die.my Dark Kniiiiiiight.
there's only morning show times now!!!
nothing much today.
hung out at tm with shimin after school.
homework and exams suck.
they SUCK.
like vacuums.
homework overload.
oh YEEAAHHH i have HOMEWORK to do.
i got to go.
i want a break.
i need to get my head together.
and i know i look round(fine, FAT) up there.
should have taken off the white tank for that photo):
periods suck too-.-
9:08 PM.

ok yeah, NDP was like ages ago already. Saturday, which was 4 days ago, FYI.
kind of digressing, cheryl's friend actually thought it was on Sunday.
just wanted to say.
wasn't as fun as last year's(we were on tv! how's that!) but still pretty fun i guess.

we took pictures with the vehicles(:
took individual ones with motorcycles too, but im too lazy to post them at the moment.
we actually wanted to take one with the vehicle the president rides on for his drive through thingy, you know when he's done inspecting the guard or something then he steps on this car/truck?
but we weren't allowed. so sad right. lol.
we kind of did this vlog thingy.
i'll post it when i have time:D
by the way. i finished reading Breaking Dawn yesterday.
well actually i read from Sunday night till 1.41am in the morning, so it would be considered monday, which was yesterday.
why am i being so detailed??0.o
so anywayy.
it's Awesomeeee.
like Awesome has never been before.
and now that i've finished it, i can't wait for Twilight the movie to be out.
OMG i just saw this comment on Youtube, made by one Stichyrick:
"Let me see if I understand the movie, it is an "adult" vampire who looks seventeen, but he is not, and he hooks up with a real seventeen year old girl.... So it is about a Pedofile Vampire then?WHAT THE FUCK?
he or she can't even spell Peodophile right.
that stupid comment totally decimated my mood.
Bloody Idiot.
and i was wondering.
what is the problem some people have with Rob Pattinson being cast as Edward??
i know Edward is the most gorgeous _______(insert word heavenly enough to describe him)ever and maybe rob doesn't seem as gorgeous to you as some people might think(WHO can measure up to Edward?? anyway i personally think rob looks FINE for the role) but he's not frankenstein either.
what's the ruckus?
oh well, everyone has their own opinion. we each see the characters differently.
and unless you're the casting director, there's not a whole lot you can do about it either.
i am ranting now.
and i was just going to go off.
one more trailer(:
i am OBSESSED can.
i was kind of disappointed that parts of the movie would be different from the book.
then i realised that it's a pretty inevitable thing.
take Harry Potter.
the movies don't follow the books exactly but they're still awesome right?
it's probably to benefit the non-readers, and taking into account that books and movies are 2 different things, even though it's an adaptation.
talking about Harry Potter...

J.K Rowling actually penned The Tales of Beedle The Bard.
which was mentioned in HP and the Deathly Hallows.
how awesome is that??
it costs $100 on Amazon.
its coming out in stores at the end of the year??
think i'll buy it if i have money(:
OKAYY it's already past 11pm.
i have HOMEWORK to pass up TOMORROW.
"I love you."
"As I love you."
9:31 PM.
"At least im pretty."
"Bella, you have never been merely pretty."
-Bella and Edward,
Breaking Dawn.today is today is the
8th day of the
8th month of the
2008th year!
Olympics opening is showing on tv now.
plus school NDP celebrations today.
the finale was fun.
dancing like mad with the choir and UG.
screamed until throat pain.
and i noticed A LOT of people changed house.
this stupid game made me all frustrated.

it's called
The World's Hardest Game.
if you can't see it's 222 deaths, level 5/30.
the objective is to get to green space on the other side, while collecting yellow balls and avoiding the blue ones on the way.
you should
try it.
don't know why, but im feeling kind of depressed right now.
or is that too strong a word?
ahh whatever.
looking forward to NDP tomorrow.
and i hate homework.
10:22 PM.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

okok quick post and i wanna go reeaad.
yeah that's right.
i've read like, 3 chapters already.
miss wongahsoh is now very shocked(its a bad shocked she tells me) and is urging me to read faster so we can discuss it.
NDP/cheerleading rehearsals are killing me man.
im %$#@&*! tired.
but they're still fun(:
i got yinghui to accompany me to tm to get my book.
she somehow managed to convince me to take the bus back home with her.
which is why i reacher home at 8.30pm-.-
i was soo tempted to start reading on the bus.
so i was sms-ing wongahsoh.
"I want to read the first page so bad!! But it's like sex, it's always best to wait for the right moment."a bus is no place for one to start reading a treasure one has been waiting for for MONTHS.
i made her quote me on her blog.
i wish i didn't have to get up so early for school tomorrow.
i want to watch The Dark Knight and The Mummy, but i am BROKE.
this is probably the emptiest state i have ever seen my savings can/box before.
it's hard to live with a lack of big cancelled S.
by the way, i cut my fringe.
yeah, now you know, all you rock dwellers.
11:39 PM.

sometimes students don't realise how much a teacher can do for them.
and so they take them for granted.
even teachers have their limits too.
sorry mr sufyan, you could have shouted at us ages ago, you actually managed to take all our nonsense until now.
the fact that you spoke to us calmly makes it worse.
i have GOT to get my priorities straight.
stayed back for cheerleading today.
we're performing for NDP celebrations!
i feel excited.
but we're not as enthu as last time.
we need to be more ENTHUU!!
i have a horrible headache now and i feel bloated-_-
im going to take a nap now.
8:46 PM.