Sunday, September 28, 2008

i like this photo(:
so proud i took it.
my obsession with harry potter is just going into overdrive again.
i finished reading Deathly Hallows again yesterday.
and now i can't stop thinking about harry and ginny.
i will have to wait
10 more months to the half blood prince movie.
i should really be studying for geography now.
geography sucks.
i reeeeeaaaaaally regret taking it.
EOYS are almost in fullswing now.
i dont think next week( or is it this week? i dont really know whether this or next is better when monday is the very next day) is counted, since tuesday till thursday are normal lessons including one public holiday.(Hari Raya, Alleluiaaaa!!)
but anyway, it still feels like exams aren't really here.
something's wrong with me.
or maybe it's just the EOYs came too soon, and i didn't manage to tune myself to exam mode.
not that i ever have, have i?
ahh i ramble.
im already thinking of organising a trip to Wild Wild Wet after exams.
woah nelly, hold your horses missy.
it is damn nice having exams in the hall.
its so big and spacious, and the classroom is so... small.
and we're going back to the classroom on monday-.-
i hope the weather cools down.
these few days have been so effing humid.
im already sweating early in the morning.
my parents(well my dad really, my mum's reading the newspaper) are watching the F1 nightrace now.
it's a bit scary when you're watching it from the driver's point of view.
they're moving damn fast.
im off to go shower then enter the annoying world of drainage basins, landforms and human development.
hopefully i won't be denied entry.
oh Joy.
8:18 PM.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
stuck in my head.
i wonder why i keep a tagboard.
nobody tags anyways.
but i have no motivation to take it off.
so it shall stay(:
my progress report came back yesterday.
and my results were frankly, surprising.
English: B3 (D:)
Chinese: C5
Emaths: C5(!i passed)
Science(Phy, Chem): C5
Combined Humanities: D7
Core Literature: A1(!)
i actually passed maths!
and i thought i would fail science too.
ahhh exams are starting next week already, it's so fast!!!!
we had this Business Experience@TP thingy yesterday.
and i was dozing off when this guy was giving a speech in the auditorium.
we were the only students wearing home clothes and that came our own!
all the other schools were in uniform with teachers. LOL.
and i kind of got to experience what it would be like attending a lecture in a lecture theatre taking notes(we didn't take notes)
but it's definitely a lot different from a classroom setting.
and it would be pretty easy for the teacher to spot you if you were sleeping. hoho.
oh, and the poly is HUGE.
after our lecture/workshop thingy we decided to go have a look around.
the sports complex was pretty cool.
there's a squash court, tennis courts, table tennis, badminton court, running track, football field etc etc.
me and yuan xiu wanted to find a swimming pool(there's water sports at TP) but we didnt.
i think they use the reservoir near the place.
so we tried to find the exit.
but we were basically walking in circles.
and when we finally found the exit, we realised there were a lot of times that the exit was RIGHT THERE and we didnt realise it.
i still want to aim for JC though. i think it would be a better choice for me at the moment.
i tried to sleep while standing on the bus but then i didnt feel like closing my eyes. lol.
i've been sleeping at 2am everyday recently.
i need to sleep earlier!
i need to study!
and i chose the WRONG time to discover new anime and that its really more satisfying if you just read ahead with the manga instead of waiting for one episode a week of the anime(which is, if i might add, moving very slowly).
i need to finish my chinese homework now.
WAYYY overdue.
7:15 PM.
Monday, September 08, 2008

Goodness i am so emo these days.
what the hell?
i am so afraid of exams now.
so afraid.
less than 2 weeks:\
my guitar exam yesterday!
omg omg i totally panicked, which resulted in me making a lot of easy mistakes.
but i think overall it seemed ok.
but i panicked luhhh.
wish i had a chance to play romance de amour.
it felt like such a waste to go home.
my exam was at plaza sing, and i haven't shopped in LONG time.
since what, june holidays?
ok i got to go now.
or at least when i finish site-hopping.
i got a POA RE-test tomorrow.
and my chinese homework ain't half done.
i want
Heroes Season 2 DVD!!!!!!!
and i have a sudden urge to watch The O.C.
oh help me.
10:57 PM.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
RANTINGis it true???
is it what i think it is???
if it IS, then
It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair It's Not Fair
It's not bloody fair AT ALL.
Why?? Why is it so BLOODY UNFAIR.
and it is bloody STUPID that i should feel like this.
it is SAD i tell you.
not only is it SAD, it is PATHETIC.
i HATE IT that it matters to me.
i DON'T WANT it to matter to me.
it SHOULDN'T matter to me.
but it DOES.
it bloody DOES matter to me.
i am a sad, pathetic, desperado.
i hate this feeling.
im got to go rush some ;ast minute homework now.
exams are a fucking conspiracy theory to shorten a student's lifespan, i SWEAR.
9:47 PM.
Saturday, September 06, 2008

I Hate Pimples.
I hate them. So much.
they are an abomination of the human body.
and the ultimate worst place to get them is on your upper lip, right smack in the center under your nose.
it is soo disgusting that you want to squeeze it, pluck it out, use whatever means necessary to remove it.
but you can't, because there is a giant risk of getting an ugly SCAR, and you won't like that won't you?
and then you'll have to spend the rest of your days with that monster resisting the urge not to poke, prod or even
touch the damn thing at all, because you don't want to introduce more bacteria which would make it worse.
but in the end you can't resist temptation and start to prod and poke it relentlessly.
today was definitely not the best day.
i had to go to church for this profanity/pornography talk thingy, which wasn't as interesting as i had hoped.
and the people were all rude and immature asses as usual, talking they were in a fish market and going WOOWOO! everytime something sex-related appears on the screen.
we also heard true accounts of porn actresses/prostitutes, and it turns out that life isn't a bed of roses for them and they actually hate what they do.
and something like thay had no other choice and they needed the money.
which sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me: NO CHOICE and I NEEDED THE MONEY.
let me tell ya.
no matter how desperate I AM i would NEVER betray myself and go sleep with ugly disgusting men just because i NEEDED the money.
Prostituition and Porn aren't the only jobs in the world right?
after church i went and bought mua chee for $1.50.
i opened it later and it was all SOGGY.
i ate 1 or 2 pieces then threw it all away.
wasted my money.
i also broke my slipper strap.
it was embarrassing enough that i stumbled when i was walking up the mrt steps.
then i realised my slipper had broken.
so i had to drag my foot to keep it on.
i thought screw it and decided to walk barefoot on one side.
i think i sound reeaally pissed.
but im not.
im just slightly annoyed.
but im not even that annoyed really.
must be because of exams.
i have less than 16 days to my EOYs.
and my guitar exam is tomorrow.
or today, Sunday.
11:41 PM.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

{im editing this when i have time)
it's been ages since i last blogged.
but it's the september holidays now.
i spent the whole day on the computer instead of doing my holiday homework.
and i know i will deeply regret it.
i have suddenly gone all crazy over Harry Potter again.
think its because Half Blood Prince is going to be screened only NEXT YEAR.
in JULY.
i mean.
i visited the harry potter website and read the message from Alan Horn, who's the President, Chief Operating Officer
Warner Bros.
so one consolation i got was that this means we don't have to wait as long for Deathly Hallows.
but still.
but on the subject of Harry Potter.
and it was bloody cheap, just 10 bucks.
its coming out in December. can't wait.
and i also realised how very broke i am now.
i cannot procrastinate this holiday.
bloody exams start on 22 september.
that's like, what, 19 days from now?
alrighty gotta go now.
btw i changed my skin/template did you realise?(:
9:57 PM.