Friday, December 26, 2008
just wanted to post some pics.
was lazy to post them up individually, so i just collaged them.

i kinda look like im going to feel up vanessa.
and she's enjoying it:D

we were going crazy together!
without you 3, christmas wouldn't feel like christmas.
and because i have wanted this for so long...
THANK YOU SOO MUCH VALERIE(AND EUGENE).i am not going to think about school starting next week.
5:14 PM.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
i just deleted a post which i decided i wanted to post.
but whatever.

baseball scene was fucking cool.
"This is what I am!
I don't have a six-pack Bella!"excuse me.
i have to go squeal into a pillow.
12:23 AM.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
oh my GAWD.
i am BORED out of my MIND.
Somebody, PLEASE GO OUT with me.
or i am going to go CRAZY cooped up at home.
4:54 PM.
Sunday, December 07, 2008

attended a wedding banquet with my sister and kenny(her bf) today.
it was the wedding of my grand uncle's son.
whom i don't really know personally.
some of my other relatives were there also.
then my godmum/aunt was commenting on how it was pretty quiet.
and not to bring down the couple's happiness la, but in all honesty it was one of the most boring weddings i have ever attended.
and i was also wondering why in the world would you want to invite people you hardly knew existed to your own wedding??
i mean you get congratulations and all, but do they actually give a shit, considering they don't really know you?
during the part where everybody is supposed to toast the bride and groom, the only people going YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM SENG! were the people on stage(basically the immediate family) and scattered tables with people who were most likely their close friends.
i have therefore resolved that for my future wedding, i will only invite my friends and family and my parents won't be allowed to invite people i had no idea existed, distant relative or not.
i want my wedding to be FUN, not AWKWARD.
wongahsoh's coming over to play Fatal Frame with me tomorrow(:
i need to go out and exercise.
and smudgeproof eyeliner):
10:12 PM.
Friday, December 05, 2008

i love J.K Rowling.
i was supposed to go for primary 6 class gathering yesterday but it was raining cats and dogs.
there were still people there at night but i decided i didnt want to go after all, didnt want to miss my tv shows.
hopefully they'll organise another one.
i believe many girls, like me, must have emitted a high pitched squeal upon seeing the announcement of the Twilight contest on Channel 5, and then proceeded to hyperventilate or smile like idiots, depending on the extent of her fangirlyness.
(i have absolutely no idea what im rambling about)
oh btw.
Twilight is rated PG(violence).*all under-16s rejoice!*
which has me wondering why the HELL did some idiot on radio think it was NC16.
then while my mum and i were watching tv, a frog somehow got into the tv room.
i found it so hilarious for some reason i coulnd't stop laughing.
i went to get kenny help us get it out or something but it disappeared.
im bored.
"You could do your homework."
meh, don't feel like it.
i swear, i probably wont touch my homework at all this month.
Christmas season is upon us!
Christmas shopping! woohoo!
maybe i'll go play Fatal Frame II on my sister's Xbox and freak myself out.
or even better i'll call people to come play it with me.

taken from yuan xiu's blog.
4:57 PM.