Thursday, January 22, 2009

is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen?
taken by Heidi(aka leo's godma:D) at the class picnic last december.
i think i'll be on a sort of hiatus for a while.
with homework and studying and stuff.
i'll only post about big/important stuff.
i need to work hard(REALLY WORK HARD) this year.
no more slacking!
im tired, and i have homework to do.
7:20 PM.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
ahh i love imogen heap. she has such beautiful songs.
anyway 2009 is here!
and i gladly welcome it with open arms.
not the O'levels so much(D:), but i am resolving to work harder this year, and i'll be damned if i don't. ROAR.
so there's this thingy next to coral's digital clock that flashes messages like "WELCOME TO CORAL SECONDARY SCHOOL" or "OUR VISION: blah blah blah"
waste of resources anyone?
i will work hard this year. O'LEVELS.
pics from new year's eve!
we baked cookies!

somebody got the idea of mixing beer with one batch.
and it turned out looking like bread, with absolutely no taste alcohol in it.xp
then at 12am we went to the gate and screamed "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!", and then ran back in the house.

Happy New Year!
3:56 PM.