i shouldn't be here. i have freaking 'O' Level Exams to study for!
but just take a look at
What The Hell right??
and i just had a sudden urge to say.
TWILIGHT.I Love It. So Much.
not so much that i would go around biting people but I LOVE IT.
and i don't understand how you can NOT at least like it a little.
WHY would anyone think it's bullcrap??
i mean you're entitled to your own opinions but still.
ok im done being crazy.
this post is actually pointless.
if i do another unnecessary post this month, please.
slap my face.
no really.
i needneedneedneedneedneedtoSTUDYYY.
8:48 PM.
OMG this is soo retarded but effing hilarious!
i know my blog is kinda dead.
but i WILL update it(i just did!!)
i just had a bad week(THANK GOD IT'S OVERR.)
im hoping it doesn't last to next week.
and im hoping i'll fall sick.
either that or get BETTER.
not stuck in-between.
like yao si yao huo de.(want-live-want-die)
SYF(YAYY!!) and mid-years(nayy-.-) coming up.
5:47 PM.
and guess what?
i haven't done a single piece of homework.
even though i brought it overseas with me.
ever since i came back i feel soo tired.
so im gonna go take a nap.
will probably post pictures some other time.
Thanks to all for the Birthday Wishes and presents!:D
IM 16!!
NC16 movies!! woohoo!
i can watch Detroit Metal City(:
but no one watch with me):
ok i need to go...
8:31 PM.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
rare chance to come online cos i need sparknotes to do my lit essay.
i did so many essays this week!!
Literature, Social Studies, Geography...
i will be SO glad when this damned week is over.
i still have OVERDUE emath homework to do.
and i have two chinese formal letters to write and i KEEP FORGETTING to buy gao zhi.
and omg compo homework and compo test??
and a part of me doesn't feel like going for the Jogjakarta trip anymore, though i know i will regret not going.
people keep falling sick!
jonathan is sick(AGAIN), yuanxiu got a fever today, and yanting and shih eng have throat problems.
what the HELL?
i am fcuking tired.
8:59 PM.
eh wahlao.
why are there so many good bands coming to singapore THIS YEAR??
there was Fallout Boy(who came for the second time dammit).
and then
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus(at Downtown East!!!) and
Coldplay(!!!) coming up.
and this morning i see in the newspapers that
Oasis is coming.
after O's im saving as much money as i can and buy tix to every concert/gig that i can get my hands on.
8:53 PM.

Bring tissues. especially dog owners.
i was still crying when i stepped out the cinema.
we still have school tomorrow.
im going to go give leo big hug and a kiss now.
6:25 PM.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

i was thinking about my oral.
i screwed it up la, definitely.
im dead.
yesterday was pretty fun.
me,shimin,yuanxiu,kaixuan,jonathan and kok kai en went to the library to "study".
in the end the only people who actually made any progress was yuan xiu and shimin-.-
i ended up doing 1 question for emath homework(which i havent finished) then mostly spent the rest of the time playing DJmax on jonathan's psp.
then afterwards jonathan and kaixuan wanted to come to my house cos kaixuan never saw my house before-.-
kai en left earlier, shimin and yuan xiu had to go home.
so we bought mac's home.
it's damn funny la, when people come to my house at night.
i might as well be living in a haunted house, they are so scared:D
we watched part of kungfu hustle and played daidi.
all of us lost at least once, hehe.
oh, and i had a sort of heart-to-heart talk with kaixuan.
made me realise a lot of things.
and im a very confused person.
but it's the first time i ever spoke so truthfully with someone.
i got kind of(ok, VERY) depressed later.
but anyway, thanks ah kaixuan.
even though you depressed me you also helped me ALOT.
so thank youu:D
ahh freaking common test tomorrow.
and i haven't even studied or done any homework yet!
gotta go!
1:22 PM.