17 Again was
i lovelovelovelovelove Zac Efron.
he is so freaking cutexzzccszzxx!!!
i wanna watch it again!! lol.
fuck exams next week.
6:46 PM.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
think everyone knows by now, we got Silver.
cried a bit, but i could control my tears better than the last one.
very disappointing that we didn't get Gold, but at least our standard didn't drop, so Yay for us!
and watching Chong Cheng's performance made me realise that we actually have A LOT to work on.
and nay gnahz is a stupid, annoying bitch who talks too much:D
im really happy and sad at the same time that we're stepping down.
almost cried today.lucky i have some measure of control.
im going to fail my Mid-years. FUCK.
watching 17 Again on Friday.
Study Session.
9:57 PM.
like, OMG.
and im sleeping super early tonight!
total gibberish going through my mind now.
i have no idea how to end this post, except to do so aruptly.
MUTEMATH - Spotlightthe video for Spotlight by Mutemath.
it's just...cute in a really funny way.XD
and check out the drummer. LOL.
9:47 PM.
clss 4/9 has shifted downstairs to the detention classroom!
but it's only temporary, cos of yuanyi's foot. lol.
it's stuffy and smelly, but it's the closest to the canteen, so that's a plus.
english lesson on friday was fun!!
we played Taboo!
miss tham had 2 sets, so the guys played on one side and the girls played on another.
yuanxiu has a set! so we can go to her house to play! woohoo!
and omg, SYF in 2 days!
and then speech day rehearsals, then speech day itself, then 2 more days and MID-YEAR EXAMS!!!
and i havent studied.
at all.
may the SYF results not affect me negatively.
oh Lord help me.
7:48 PM.
i have gone on every possible website that i could spend my time on for tonight.
well except Youtube.
but let's not go there.
i have 2 math papers to do, 1 social studies essay and 1
overdue lit essay.
and i don't feel like doing them.
but then all i have to do is move my butt from this chair downstairs to the one upstairs in my room, NOT on my bed cos i will definitely fall asleep and wake up at 5 in the morning with the possibility that i squashed my glasses.
i have what, 5, 6 months till the big O and im STILL like this.
even after Super Achievers.
what the freak is wrong with meee???
on top of that i have a test tomorrow, that i may or may not study for.
and SYF is in exactly 1 week.
and im worried we'll get silver again, what with the people's attitudes.
the weekend was too long, it made me too relaxed!!!
ok im going to go do my homework now, and i WILL finish it.
btw, cut my hair.
and i realised it's not good to layer it every other month.
unless you like having big hair on top.
9:23 PM.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Super Achievers was pretty awesome!
big reality check for me.
but we got a lot of stuff that would be very useful in the (too near) future.

Jonathan, one of the coaches. quite cute eh?:D
he was so amused by shimin being shimin when he sat down with us to chat during one break time.
and he told us quite a few cold jokes.
after the whole thing was over Issac(who was the speaker) and Jonathan were like celebrities.
so many people wanted to take photos and get their autographs.
would have taken with Issac but there were too many people-.-
and talking about Issac, he got sat on by shimin when we were trying to squash him during this game called 'Huddles'.
it was fun.
and really really helpful.
now i actually feel GUILTY for being online now.
tomorrow it's back to lessons.
which reminds me, i have homework to do!
so i gotta gogogogogo.
but watch this first it's Awesome.
one of the few funny videos they showed us.
8:58 PM.

yesterday was Kaixuan's birthday!
now he's old like me.
i keep telling him im going to smash a cake in his face.
seriously though, i have never smashed a cake in anybody's face before!
i want to do that at least once in my lifetime!!
me shimin yuan xiu and her sisters went to the library to do homework yesterday.
(and i didn't get much done. as always.)
was crapping with kaixuan via sms.
i was telling him i needed a sugar rush cos i couldn't concentrate and yuanxiu told me kai en took a packet of sugar from mcdonald's and poured the whole thing into his mouth0.o
crazy guy.
neways i told kaixuan to go buy starbucks for me but i had no idea where he was and i wasn't serious la.
then he called my phone cos his sms was going to explode but then suddenly hung up.
a few minutes later a paperbag with this really nice drink from the library cafe was thrust into my face.
he bought a drink for me!! and refused to tell me the price so i can't pay him back.
so nice right! it's his birthday somemore!
thanks arh!
after he came i think we(fine I)just gave up on doing the homework already.
we made fun of various things like kaixuan's height, shi min and yuan xiu's intelligence, and shimin's strength.(or lack thereof)lol.
then we wasted some money on some lousy scoop machines(or whatever you call them) at the neoprint shop.wanted to take some neoprints but they were either out of order or occupied. so we went over to the arcade.
i made it to chapter 3 on House of the Dead 4! first time leh!!! i managed to kill the stage 2 boss on my own ok!! i only stopped cos shimin had to go meet her mum for dinner and i didn't want to continue alone. yuanxiu and kaixuan left already by that time. haha.
wow it's been a while since i last blogged about my day like that.
feels so strange.
im just going to type off the top of my head now.
ooh there's news on mugglenet that Jamie Campbell Bower could be playing Grindelwald in Harry Potter!
is it just me or is it that ever since news of him playing Caius in New Moon came out he's getting bigger?
and im quite surprised there was some controversy over that fact that adam lambert(from american idol) is gay. wasn't it obvious?? he practically sends out gay vibes! or maybe i just have a better gaydar. HAHA.
and what's the big deal with Twitter?? i admit i have seen the light of Facebook, but Twitter?? it's just a bunch of people updating stuff about what they're doing! i don't GET it.
ok i gotta go now.
this was weird.
9:38 PM.