AMANDA LOVES CHINESE!i swear i do, i really do!
i love it so much whenever i look at paper 2 the words start swimming around and i read the passages like a robot!
andandand during chinese lesson i will go into a state of meditation where i have absolutely no idea what just happened in the time that's passed.
omg what if i screw up 'O' Level Chinese??
it's next week lehh!
next week!!!!
someone buy me a new dictionary can.
throw in a new, more intelligent brain and i'll owe you for life.
go play the Impossible Quiz. see how far you can go(:
missing out on Friends has got to be quite a tragedy.
i have no homework today, could you tell?:D
10:42 PM.

ahhh so cute, so cute.
so cute.
we have whole week of chinese ahead.
and chinese 'O' level on 1st June.
oh i said it already?
well i'll say it again.
Chinese 'O' Level on
1st June.
and i just remembered i have homework to do.
so buh byee.
i need to sleep earlier, for the sake of my health and sanity.
ahh i missed Death Cab.
i will follow you into the dark~
10:25 PM.
i had a dream that i went bungee-jumping!
or tried to anyway.
my dreams these past few days have been weird in the extreme.
i want to go bungee-jumping one day.
i might consider sky diving too.
i feel like i am/will be suffering from post/pre-exam depression.
all that editing can be such a hassle but,
Yayy new skin!!
btw i am SO glad holidays are coming.
doesn't even matter that we have to go back to school anyway.
6:39 PM.
OMG. is it not totally
sooo much better than the "golden eyes" that looks fake as hell.
chinese 'O'level on 1st June.
6:46 PM.
feel like changing blogskin.
today very depressing.
very depressing.
and it's only gonna get worse.
very depressing.
9:15 PM.
1) Put your music in shuffle mode
2) Press forward for each question
3) Use the song title for each question even if it doesn't make sense
4) With your answer , give your own comment on how it relates to the question
5) tag 5 people
Q1 - How are you feeling today ?
[The Sweet Escape - Gwen Stefani]
i made a sweet escape...FROM THE BLOODY EXAMS!!
Q2 - Will you get far in life ?
[On The Side of Me - Corrine May]
hmm. we'll see eh.
Q3 - How do your friends see you ?
[Michi(Path)~To You All - Aluto]
hmm. ask them. hehhheh.
Q4 - Will you get married ?
[Zui Ai Hai Shi Ni - Danson Tang]
guess that's a yes. hopefully. lol.
Q5 - What is your best friend's theme song ?
[Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao - Tank]
uhmmm...none of my friends fight a lot. Kaixuan likes basketball though. HAHA.
Q6 - What is the story of your life ?
[Pump It - Black Eyed Peas]
uh huh. my life needs some pumping up. lol.
Q7 - What is school like ?
[All Good Things Come To An End - Nelly Furtado]
So true. Sigh.xp
Q8 - How can you get ahead in life ?
[Liang Shan Bo Yu Ju Li Ye - Cao Ge and Zhuo Wen Xuan]
song title don't make sense. by working hard at life at love? lol.
Q9 - What's the best thing of your friends ?
[Kimi To Iu Hana - Asian Kungfu Generation]
i know enough japanese to translate it to something like Your (something) Flower? You (something) Flower? lol.
being with my friends makes me happy, simply put.
Q10 - What's in store for this weekend ?
[Umbrella - Rihanna]
Rain apparently. LOL. hey did you know, Rihanna's got nude pics online too.nope, never saw 'em, don't wanna see 'em.:D
Q11 - Describe your grandparents
[Gekidou - UVERworld]
Just break the limit(according to Wikipedia.)
lol. i don't really talk to my grandparents cos they speak teochew and i don't/can't. kinda sad really.
Q12 - How's your life going ?
[Click Subscribe - Swiftkaratechop(guy on Youtube)]
anybody keeping updates on my life? lol.
nothing big happening at the moment anyways.
Q13 - What song will they play at your funeral ?
[Hate That I Love You - Rihanna ft. Neyo]
at least they love me. lol.
Q14 - How does the world see you ?
[Where'd You Go - Fort Minor]
i should switch this answer with the previous one. lol.
and how the hell would i know? ask them(:
Q15 - Will you have a happy life ?
[Breathe Me - Sia]
Be my friend, hold me
Wrap me up, unfold me
I am small, and needy
warm me up, and Breathe me.i don't know. what say you?
depressing song.
Q16 - Do people secretly lust after you ?
[Crushcrushcrush - Paramore]
lol. since it's a secret, i wouldn't know right?
Q17 - How can you make yourself happy ?
[He Said She Said - Ashley Tisdale]
talking to people? lol. this song is pretty upbeat though.
Q18 - What should you do with your life ?
[World Apart - Asian Kungfu Generation]
do something different? im trying to find out.
Q19 - Will you ever have children ?
[Violet Hill - Coldplay]
lol. yeah definitely.
Q20 - What song will you strip to ?
[Stronger - Kanye West]
HAHA. lol.
Q21 - What does your mom think of you ?
[Give It To Me - Nelly Furtado ft. Justin Timberlake and Timbaland]
i demand things from her. or she from me. LOL.nah we're good(:
Q22 - What song will be played t your wedding ?
[How Do I Breathe - Mario]
How do i breathe, without you here by my's my wedding and my husband's not there?! of all the nerve!
hmm. maybe if im bored i'll do this quiz again. haha.
anybody who's gonna do thism remember to tag me so i can read yours!
9:10 PM.
tomorrow is just chinese listening compre.
so im slacking my butt off today.
i'll regret not utilising my time, like always.
Death Note(movie) happened to be on tv(again) today so i watched it.
then i felt the urge of watching Death Note(anime) again.
and then i came across this!
LOL. the subs are a bit like direct translation but they're about right.
by the way...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MISS NG YUAN XIU AND CHUA SHI MIN!!(yuan xiu kept laughing so i couldn't take a good picture. haha.)
8:59 PM.
I WANT TO WATCH HBP SO DAMN MUCH.two more months. hang in there.
3 days worth i could have made the most of studying.
and what do i do?
the exact opposite.
indulged in sakae sushi and chocolate cake today.
and monopoly at yuan xiu's house.
mid-years die. dying.
buh bye.
8:38 PM.
yay for the long weekend.lit was ok.
or not that ok.
i wrote 4 pages worth of Atticus being a good role model to his children. woopee.
which resulted in no time to do section B.
then for Off Centre i i completed the first essay and past (i) for the passage-based right on time.
that's like 26 marks gone, poof!
and now i've got a runny nose, my head feels horrible and im aching at the weirdest places.
and my teeth hurt due to a visit to the dentist.
when my braces FINALLY come off i am going to pop champagne and show off my teeth till everyone goes blind.:DD
im half hoping this sickness lasts so i can skip exams.
and then im hoping that it doesn't cos if im too sick to take the rest of my exams, then what was the point of studying so hard for the first part?
stupid weather in Singapore.
again, HOORAY for the long weekend.
7:40 PM.
my combined science is dead.
POA today was... SAD.
hopefully i can still make up with paper 1 to get A1.
Literature tomorrow!!!
omg im terrified.
studying for lit is fun.
8:38 PM.
i think, once i manage to get my bum off my bed and to my my desk chair, that i actually like studying.
im just too damned lazy to start without any motivation.
english and ss on thursday was ...ooook.
i could either do pretty well or really badly for both, since english was NOT easy and i mostly wrote rubbish for the SBQs in ss.
took advantage of the holiday yesterday to gather for a study session at mac's with kaixuan, yuan xiu and shimin.
after that we went to yuan xiu's house and studied some more, then we dug out her set of Taboo:D
it's seriously a fun game. i especially enjoyed squeezing the squeaker thingy in their faces. LOL.
i have concluded that it's better for groups to study at public places.
that way because you have to have consideration for the public, you need to be quiet and not make loud noises, and therefore you can concentrate on work better.
maths and chinese on monday. gahhh.
im going to spend some time on the computer, then off to study(which i am looking forward to, OMGsoweird) then from 6-ish onwards i'll be watching tv. and maybe i'll study somemore if im not too tired.
and on sunday, besides church and guitar class im going to stay home and MUGG.
i hope i don't fail maths.
it's a long shot, but i can still hope.
it's only mid-years anyway.
12:27 PM.