omg there are 2 new moon scenes on Youtube which were shown at Comic-Con.
Motorcycle scene(hot jacob despite blearghlong hair) and Bella saving Edward.
i reeaally want to watch them but at the same time i don't want to spoil it.
so im going to just listen to the sound without watching the videos.
ya i know im weird.
and soundtrack out in October(omg 'O' month). yay and nay.
'O' Levels are damn near.
Prelims coming up.
im scared to death.
think im improving.
by teeeeeeeeny tiny little baby steps.
possibly i stand stationary at moments.
but, there's always hope eh?
i need to study more.
k bye.
*kay i watched a bit. and i realised both clips have a guy taking his shirt off. and people are screaming like mad once the shirt comes off.
wonder if the cinema experience will be this interesting, ahahaha.*
kay im really going now.
9:35 PM.
THE BEST SO FAR I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE I LOVED IT!there were a few little things they changed/left out that i wish they hadn't but i still LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT.
Tom Felton/Draco Malfoy looks gooood.
Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermione FTW!!!!!

and look what they're selling?
Wizard Combos!they fill the cauldron with popcorn and the cup has a wizard hat on top.
very cute eh?
and now they're mineee, muahahaha:DDD
ok i am damndamndamndamn Damn high now.
wanna know why?
i was staring at this and going Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg Omg for donno how long.
Taylor Lautner is effing HOTTTTTTT.
im going to douse my head in cold water now.
im insane. ahahahahaha:DD
8:19 PM.
Oh my Jamie Campbell Bower is hawwwt.the guy who made this video doesn't like Twilight in general(based purely on the movie, who would??:P) but this is funnehh:DD
i just read the synopsis for Equus and am feeling quite disturbed about the things Daniel Radcliffe was required to do on stage. and that people actually paid to watch him do it.
this has not been a good week.
i need to find some balance in my life.
effing loads of homework makes me want to swear until your grandma faints.(wthlol)
and i heard that swearing helps you deal with pain better. hehheh.
but anywayys
and im watching it on fridayyyy.
damn excited.
and prelims are in August.
damn scared.
must go do homework now. byeee.
9:00 PM.
FREAKS they are. effing amazing.
Chinese oral yesterday was ooook.
reading was pretty good, conversation was screwed up cos i didn't know how to translate my points from english to chinese and i kept blanking out so i was like err, ahh...-.-
story of my life eh, not knowing how to articulate myself.
and i fell TWICE during shuttle run for PE.
like wtf? my legs turned to jelly or something.
and both times was when i was ABOUT to finish running.
hopefully the scars aren't permanent.
i cannot WAIT for HBP. CANNOT.
Give Me Harry Potter. GIVE ME NOW.
sudden moodswings are damn annoying.
8:12 PM.
shortest post ever.
Rupert Grint kena-ed H1N1 but has recovered already.
and apparently they still call it Swine Flu in england.
10:10 PM.

they keep posting new clips of HBP.
as of now there are like, 3 or 4 "exclusive" clips out already.
plus all the trailers and photos they might as well show the movie NOW and not tempt us to ruin the experience with bloody spoilers.
Arnold the Pygmy Puff is in the movie! yayy lol.
I'ts fiinally the end of the week.
i have 2 and 1/4 lit essays, a speech and donno what other stuff to do.
thank God for the long weekend.
10:19 PM.
Do you remember the time, when Michael Jackson looked normal.Chipmunk version. lol.
i remember i really liked this song when my dad was watching all these michael jackson videos when i was younger and i was watching with him.
now people keep requesting his songs on radio. and i kinda kinda know some of the lyrics. ahahaha.
i almost forgot there was a time when he actually looked, really Good.and such an amazing dancer. How many people can master the moonwalk?
what with all the plastic surgery and weird behaviour you tend to forget he was really awesome.
it's too bad he couldn't wow the world with his awesomeness one last time.
if you're wondering where all this sprang from(kinda late, gotta admit) i just got the recent 8 days magazine with a michael jackson tribute and got a sudden urge to listen to his songs and all the classic "Ow!s" and "Hee-Hee~s!" again. HAHA Lol.
oook now must go do homework.homework. hommeeeWORK.
chinese oral next how.
i waste too much time on the computer. damn technology.
we'd probably die without it.
9:17 PM.