got this from vanessa's blog.
SO HILARIOUS omg. haha.
got C5 for chinese so im retaking.
JC is still my first choice but i swear, i'd be happy going to poly just so i'll NEVER have to touch chinese again.
prelims coming. gahhhhh.
2:22 PM.
A strawberry avalanche crash over meit's 9.30 and i haven't eaten my dinner cos i was too pissed to eat earlier.
pissed over what, i don't know.
now my pattern is:
come home from school,
go to room,
turn on fan to maximum,
pass out on bed.
wake up at 7+.
eat dinner/watch tv.
stone/do homework.
i haven't touched the computer in a while.
which is a good thing.
but my tv viewing has increased.
should just go kill myself since im going flunk my Os to hell.
people seem to be falling sick more lately.
wish my immune system wasn't so bloody strong.
then at least i could stay home and have the time to catch up on some studying.
i really hope i don't burn out, cos it feels like im gonna, and im not even working as hard as i should be.
Must. Studyyy.
9:30 PM.