Tuesday, December 22, 2009
gotten Mum's present.
no idea wtf to get for sisters.
searching for 2012 dvd or books about bowling for Dad.
is 2012 dvd even out yet??
The Killers in January.
Vanessa's and my crazy plan to go.
discussed with parents, potential Christmas present.
like OMG.
going, no question.
just need to dig up the moolah.
Britanny Murphy kena cardiac arrest.
what the hell so sudden.
and some more.
why all the celebrities dying from cardiac arrest??
wtf right??
im gonna be a cashier at dunman high tomorrow.
so exciting.
and i need to be there at 7.30am.
should totally be sleeping now.
going after i find christmas songs for my mum.
lovelike you, but i want you to go away.
2010 come come.
10:11 PM.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
WTF. i don't understand

(i have more pics but damned blogger won't let me upload them)
meant to go job hunting(AGAIN) today but ended up going to vivo to watch Case 39.
which was pretty good by the way.
Jodelle Ferland scares the hell out of me.
pray that i get the damned job soon:\
12:34 AM.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
"Today i got a nosebleed in class. My guy friend notcied and said "quit looking at me like you want me to take my shirt off for you." I've never laughed so hard. MLIT."such is the popularity of twilight that there's a
My Life Is Twilight as well.
New Moon(with meiyen again) was...much better than Twilight production-wise.
i think they overdid it on the lipstick with Edward but there was definite improvement on the makeup.
loved the action.
and there's nothing stopping me watching it again. (cept for lack of $$$ but i should have a job by then:\)
the ending was... sudden.
everyone in the cinema had about the same reaction. lol.
can't wait for shimin to get back from malaysia so the group can watch the movie together and analyse it like the fangirls that we are.
i wanna marry Taylor Lautner. Pleeeeaaase?:DD
9:50 PM.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
PROM,Dramas and Facebookthis is way overdue, buuuut
Quick summary on prom:
It was fun, better than expected, and i really regretted dancing in my killer heels.
Yuan Xiu had to go home straight after):, then me shi min and yinghui went off to Kbox after deliberating for abit. Kaixuan joined us later.Yinghui cabbed home at 1plus and us 3 went on adventure through the dark dark park homeward, me and ah min barefoot most of the way while ah xuan repeatedly asked her if she wanted to wear his shoes. Why did we not cab home? cos we wanted to save money:D
took a few videos which i may upload some other day.
reached home at almost 3am. Awesomeness.
i feel like blogs are a like a sideline now and Facebook is everything. for most people anyway.
Going full out on Restaurant City and (not as much)Country Story and started on Gossip Girl which is pretty awesomee.
coudn't help but compare it to the OC which im watching again from start to end(at season 2 now) thanks to miss Vanessa Yee who planted the idea in my head.
all i gotta say is i love Orange County but the Upper East Side is something new and refreshing.
watched Gokusen today with meiyen and im damn disappointed matsujun didn't come back to at least cameo in it or something.
bought new star-shaped ear studs. they're a little big but still, im happy with them(:
it is now 1:05am and i must go.
New Moon coming up, can't wait. All bad reviews mean nothing until i see it for myself.
i am going broke fast, need job, may the people get back to me soon.
12:42 AM.